Project Serve partnered with AmeriCorps to hold the One-for-One Seed Drive for Hurricane Sandy victims on March 12. Instead of just sending money to New York, Project Serve and AmeriCorps member Kenny Andejeski said that Project Serve “want[ed] to engage students,” and remind them about the damage caused by the hurricane.
Students participating in the seed drive planted sunflower and green bean plants for the Dever-McCormack School, Walter Denny Youth Center, and the Boys and Girls Club of Dorchester. Children at these locations will raise the plants and use them in classrooms.
For every seed planted by a UMass student, Project Serve will donate a seed to Sandy recovery efforts in Manhattan and surrounding areas.
AmeriCorps has been working with the City University of New York to provide cleanup assistance. The organization is using the 1,000 seeds donated via UMass Boston’s One-for-One Seed Drive to refurbish a community garden in Brooklyn.
The seed drive is the second UMass Boston effort to help victims of Sandy. In November, the exercise and health sciences department also partnered with AmeriCorps. Students from the department collected warm winter clothes, medical supplies, and hygiene items to send to New York.