Anonymous asked: A friend inexplicably blocked me on Facebook awhile back, and I don’t know why. Perhaps it was my rough sense of humor. Perhaps she figured out I was attracted to her, even though I had no intention of actually trying to date her. I never meant her any harm, and it aggravates me she would do something like this without so much as a warning. An explanation would be nice, and I’m obviously sorry for any harm caused.
I’m sorry that I cannot give you the explanation you so clearly desire. All I have for you is my advice, which is this: if you really care about this friend, find some way to tell her exactly how you feel, then give her time to react and consider what you have said. From the way you describe her, she seems rather evasive.
It’s probably better for you to write her an email or send a card rather than talk to her in person. By doing so, you can demonstrate how much you respect her, as a friend should.
If both of you want to be friends, the honesty and respect for her space that you offer her will set you up for having an even better friendship with her. But if you don’t hear back from her again, maybe it’s best that you keep your distance from her and stop pursuing any kind of relationship with the person.