On Jan. 1, University of Massachusetts Boston officials announced an opening of a new college on campus, The College for Ants.
The college will allow ants to earn 4-year undergraduate degrees in majors like Worker Ant, Soldier Ant, and Chemistry. Some classes have already been designed such as “Stealing Picnic Food 101” and “Nursing the Queen Ant.” Other high-level classes are being planned like “Colony Architecture Design” and “Raid: The Ant’s Enemy.”
“With over a billion ants in the world it is a great opportunity for the school to invest in the education of our six-legged friends,” said Motley. UMass Boston will be the first in the world to build a college for ants.
The building will consist of 80 classrooms, a performance theater, a cafeteria, and a gym where grass blades function as weights. A dorm for ants is intended to be built underground. It will be a construction of underground tunnels on the front lawn.
Students will be warned to watch where they step when the new college finally opens, but that won’t be for a while. The 20-by-18-inch building is expected to take 35 years to be built, and all roads coming into UMass Boston will be shut down during construction.
School officials announce construction of college for ants
January 24, 2014