Stephanie Bonvissuto, student coordinator of the Queer Student Center, is standing at the podium directing the event.
For those in attendance at the Intersection X event on Thursday, Feb. 16, “queer” was defined as an umbrella-term encompassing all those who identify as lesbian, gay, transsexual and bisexual.
The Queer Student Center (QSC), together with the Black Student Center (BSC), put on this event. The goal of Intersection X was to speak about being part of multiple social groups and how that affects one’s psyche. According to the QSC’s statement publicizing the event, the audience “Will investigate what it means to be living at that place where individuality is shaped by prejudice and inner strength […] through panel discussion and audience dialogue.”
The panel consisted of students who identify as queer and also identify with an ethnic minority. They addressed two questions: “What is your ‘coming out’ story?” and “What is it like to be at a crossroads of sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity and community in the U.S. today?”
Tia Castellanos, a senior studying Africana studies, and the student coordinator for the BSC, mentioned that an event like this is “meant for whole community […] it’s also for queer students looking for support from their peers. This event was intended for students to gain an understanding of what the population of diverse students on this campus go through.”
For more information on the Queer Student Center, feel free to shoot an email over to QSC@umb.edu. For more information concerning the Black Student Center, feel free to send an email to blackstudent.center@umb.edu.