Congratulations to the UMass Boston MBA Association for being the first runner-up at the case competition held by the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) held on October 4. Five members of the group (Ria Jauw, Rabia Koseoglu, Wilbert Lyn, Lily Nerukar and Vanessa Wong) had to tackle a case in three hours and present their action plan in a 15-minute time period.
“It was a wonderful experience for us as it stimulated our thinking, and created a learning environment on how to work well in a team under time constraint,” stated Vanessa Wong, president of the MBA Association. “I see that ideas, time management and decision-making are the most important components of this case competition. What a fabulous learning experience. I hope more MBA fellows can be involved in the future case competition.”
Rabia Koseoglu commented, “We were very excited for knowing that top executives from JP Morgan Chase, and Ernst and Young were going to watch and grade us. Having no chairs, no board in our preparation room, we struggled a bit to make ourselves comfortable sitting on the floor with our suits and also create a paper board for ourselves. In the end of the day, we were grateful; of ourselves. Great experience and great teamwork.”
Wong wanted to thank the following people for their advice and support: Dr. Bogusia Bucklin, assistant director for the Graduate Program; Prof. Dorado, Management and Marketing Department; Prof. Habib, Management and Marketing Department; Ines Maturana, director for Undergraduate Academic Services and Prof. Novak, chair of Management and Marketing Department.
THE PAUL & DAISY SOROS GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS FOR NEW AMERICANS: Are you planning to attend graduate school in 2002? You are eligible to apply for the Soros Fellowship for New Americans if you: are a permanent resident (green card holder) of the U.S.; a naturalized citizen of the U.S.; a U.S. born child of two naturalized citizens and will be under 30 years of age as of November 30, 2001.
Each Fellow receives an annual grant of $20,000, plus one-half the tuition cost of the U.S. graduate program. For more information and an application visit, e-mail [email protected] or telephone (212) 547-6926. Contacts on campus are Kelly McLaughlin, Merit-Based Scholarship Office, 2nd floor Quinn Building and Graeme Griffith, Graduate Admissions Office, 2nd floor, Quinn Building.
DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR LECTURE: The UMass Boston College of Nursing & Health Sciences, Ph.D. Program in Health Policy, Theta Alpha Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International is hosting a Fall 2001 Distinguished Scholar Lecture by Joyce C. Clifford, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN titled “The Physician-Nurse Relationship: An Increasingly Important Health Policy Issue.” Clifford is the executive director for The Institute for Nursing Healthcare Leadership. The lecture takes place on Monday, November 5, from 1:00-2:30pm in Wheatley Room W-1-006.
GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THESES & DISSERTATIONS: The UMB Office of Graduate Studies and Research has recently revised the Guidelines for the Preparation of Theses and Dissertations. This column will periodically publish portions of that publication (say that quick three times) in order to give both current graduate students, and those considering graduate school, a sense of what’s involved in an academic exercise such as a thesis or dissertation.
The “Order of Sections” for a thesis or dissertation is as follows: 1. Title Page 2. Copyright 3. Signatory 4. Abstract (begin page numbering with iv) 5. Dedication, Acknowledgements (optional) 6. Preface or Forward (optional) 7. Table of Contents 8. List of Figures/Tables, etc. (if applicable) 9. Text (begin Arabic page numbering with 1) Appendices (if applicable) 10. Endnotes (if applicable) 11. Bibliography.
GRADUATE STUDENT ASSEMBLY(GSA) NOTES: The GSA meets every other week, at 4:00pm, in the Wheatley Student Lounge (4th floor). The next meeting is on October 25. There will be meetings on November 8, December 6 and December 20. There is a nice dinner served at every meeting. All graduate students are invited, indeed encouraged, to stop by a meeting and observe your graduate student government at work. If you have an issue that you would like put on the agenda, call Dev at 7-7975 or e-masil [email protected]…Reminder: The GSA doles out 40 Educational Support Grants at the close of each semester. These $75 awards, which are good in the UMB bookstore or for copy cards, are given to the 40 grad students with the highest GPA’s. Last semester almost half of the grants went unclaimed due to lack of applicants. Surely, there are 40 grad students here at UMB who could use 75 bucks towards the purchase of textbooks. Applications become available in the GSA office and the Student Life Office (this is the best place to get one, it’s open more often and the applications are right on the counter) at the close of the semester. The deadline to apply is January 11, 2002 (remember the awards are based on your Fall 2001 grades.) The grants will be available January 21, just in time to be applied towards the purchase of your textbooks for the Spring 2002 semester.
TALES FROM THE GRAD SCHOOL FRONT: Tips on writing a successful grant proposal from Kathleen Carmichael, Ph.D. “First let’s discuss what won’t work. Do not submit an extended version of your dissertation abstract or thesis proposal as your grant proposal. That level of detail will not help you and will most likely hurt you. Remember – your abstract is a highly specialized document. It’s not merely for colleagues in your field; it’s really designed with specialists in mind. So leave the technical stuff you’d put in your abstract on your curriculum vitae – where it belongs.
Instead, take a different approach when you start to write your proposal. Think about how you would describe your proposal to make it interesting and exciting to the average lay person – a relative or friend. You’re not explaining the project; you’re making it accessible and intriguing. Thinking about the proposal in this way will put you in a generalist frame of mind – and that’s the frame of mind you need to be in to sway a grant committee.”