To the Editor:
This letter is in response to your 9/20 editorial, “Parking Fine.”
The gist of your position is summed up in your one-liner: “We feel that a user’s fee is the most equitable solution.” I don’t disagree. Unfortunately, your application of this position is faulty. It’s my understanding that the fee that we pay for parking is used to fund the operation of the shuttle buses between the campus and the T station. But, users of that shuttle service DO NOT pay a user fee, and we parkers do not use the shuttle service.
To be “just,” as you word it (and I again agree we should be fair in this), how about the institution of a user fee for shuttle bus users? Then, when those shuttle bus users support that service, take that portion of expense out of the parking fee budget, go ahead and add what’s needed for garage repairs, and let’s see what the new parking fee comes out to be!
Robert Caron
Computing Services Department