STUDENTS-PLACE AN AD FOR FREE in the classified Section.
If you are a member of the UMass-Boston community and you are looking to sell something, you can place a classified ad for free in our newspaper. Ad must be shorter than 30 words. Come to M-1-621 to submit ad. Thank youHELP WANTEDChildren deserve the BEST! Care for children in their own homes. Earn $10?. If you have at least one full weekday or afternoons available, childcare experience & a contagious smile, give JOY a call. 617-739-KIDS Parents in a Pinch, Inc.
$30 Rebate on Wireless Phones Til 10/31. 3825min/mo for $35/mo. Call 781-283-6858, or see /emilyc.
Create your own Website! Point & Click, $19.95/mo. No software, no html, no set-up fee. Call 781-283-6858 or see / emilyc.
Female figure model wanted to do outdoor work with artist/photographer in the Boston area. Will pay up to $25.00 per hour. No experience necessary. References provided. Call Peter @ (617)512-1502.
Fun instrutors needed to present science activities for kids at schools & parties. Need car and experience with kids. Training provided.P/T. Pay: $15-$25/1hr. program. Mad Science: 617-484-6006.
Join JUMPSTART and make a real difference in a child’s Life!* Work one on one with preschool children to prepare them for school success* Earn $7.50-9.50/hr through your Work Study Office*Receive a $1575 Americorps Educational Award after one part time school year and a full-time summer or $7.85 after one school year. For more information, visit our web site at to complete an online application or contact us at 617-542-JUMP ext 53.
Looking to earn money for your organization or yourself? Try Fund-U, a no cost fundraising program that’s easy and reliable. Call 1-866-48-FUND-U or visit
Spring Break 2002!!! Student Express is now hiring sales reps. Cancun features FREE meals and parties @ Fat Tuesdays – MTV Beach Headquarters. Acapulco, Mazatlan, Jamaica, Bahamas, South Padre, Florida. Prices from $469, with Major Airlines. 24,000 travelers in 2001. Call 800-787-3787 for brochure or email [email protected]
Wanted! Spring Breakers! Sun Coast Vacations wants to send you on Spring Break to Cancun, the Bahamas, Jamaica, or Mazatlan FOR FREE! To find out how, call1-888-777-4642 or e-mail [email protected].
SPRING BREAK PARTY! Indulge in FREE Travel, Drinks, Food, and Parties with the Best DJ’s and celebrities in Cancun, Jamaica, Mazatlan, and the Bahamas. Go to, call 1-800-293-1443 or e-mail [email protected] to find out more.
SPRING BREAK INSANITY! or call 1-800-327-6013 .Guaranteed lowest prices! We’re the best – forget the rest! Fifteen years experience! All destinations! Wanted: Representatives and organizations, earn top $$$,Build Resume!
Spring Break 2002 – Travel with STS, Americas #1 Student Tour Operator to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas or Florida. Promote trips on-campus to earn cash and free trips. Information/Reservations 1-800-648-4849 or .
MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS. Sell Spring Break 2002 Trips. Highest Commissions – Lowest Prices, no cost to you. Travel FREE including food, drink & non-stop parties!!!. World Class Vacations. 2001 Student, Travel Planners “Top Producer” & MTV’S Choice (Spring Break Cancun Party Program) Call 1-800-222-4432.
Volunteer Opportunities
Substance Abuse HELPLINE seeks volunteers for 24-hour, 7-days per week. Information and Education phone service to persons affected by alcoholism and substance abuse. Close proximity to the T. For more information on becoming a HELPLINE volunteer; please call (617) 536-0501, extension 201MISC.IQ TEST The Hubbard Dianetics Foundation of Boston offers a limited time, FREE intelligence and personality tests. YOUR IQ, PERSONALITY AND APTITUDE DETERMINE YOUR FUTURE. Know them. No Obligations. Come to 448 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02115. Call 617-266 7782.