Winter Coat Drive: The MASSPIRG Hunger and Homelessness Project is sponsoring a Winter Coat Drive. Just drop off your winter coat in the boxes on the second floor of McCormack, the first floor of Wheatley, or inside the Wit’s End Café. The coats will be collected and donated to the Long Island Shelter, a local homeless shelter in desperate need of cold-weather garments. If you have any questions or would like more information, please stop by the UMB MASSPIRG office on the 4th floor of Wheatley or email [email protected].
JFK Library: The Library is sponsoring a series of forums to celebrate the new exhibition “Jacqueline Kennedy – The White House Years.” On Sunday, September 30, from 4:00-5:30pm, Betty Monkman, White House Curator, will present “The White House: Its Historic Furnishings and First Families.” For forum reservations, please call (617) 929-4571. This special series is sponsored by The Boston Globe.
Faculty Presentations: Sociology professors Stephanie Hartwell, Melissa Herman, and Siamak Movahedi presented papers at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting held in California in August, including Herman’s paper on multiple-ethnic identity and Hartwell’s “The Spectrum of Mentally Ill Offenders in the criminal Justice system.”…James Bierstaker, of the Accounting and Finance Department presented “The Interaction Between Auditor’s Risk Perceptions and Partner Pressure on Audit Program Planning” at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting held in Atlanta in August…Lin Zahn of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and Jie Chen of the Computing Services Office presented “Contributing Factors Correlate Medication Practices in Community-Dwelling Chinese American Elders” at the World Congress of Gerontology Conference.
Lowell Celebrates Kerouac: The 14th Annual Lowell Celebrates Kerouc! Festival is produced and presented by a community-based, non-profit organization, in collaboration with other cultural and community organizations (including UMass Lowell) with a presence in Lowell. This year’s Festival, whose theme is “Cross Cultural Kerouc/Jack In Any Language,” will feature tours, open mics, high school poetry and photography competitions. The festival takes place October 4-8. For more information on any of the events, call 1-877-KEROUC or visit the LCK! Web site at conjunction with the festival, UMass Lowell will also hold a series of discussions and lectures, including “The Beats and Islam.”)
Breast Cancer Walk: October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and for the seventh year in a row, UMass Boston is putting together a team to walk in the eighth annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk The five mile walk is scheduled for Sunday, October 14, with registration taking place from 8:00am to 10:00am at the Hatch Shell on Boston’s Charles River. Please join your co-workers in supporting a good cause, a little fun, and some exercise. If you are interested in joining the team, contact Clare Poirer at 7-5150.
Faculty Publications: The Public Policy Ph.D. Program’s Randy Albelda and Ann Withorn were guest co-editors of the September 2001 “Reforming Welfare, Redefining Poverty” issue of Annals of the American Academy of Political Science…Frank Nisetech, professor of classics, published a translation, which includes an introduction, notes, and glossary, of The Poems of Callimachus with Oxford University Press…Sylvia Mignon of the Criminal Justice Program, Calvin Larson emeritus professor of sociology, and William Holmes of the Criminal Justice Program and Sociology Department have written the book Family Abuse: Consequences, Theories, and Responses. The text examines all types of family violence from child through elder abuse…Alexia Pollock, assistant professor of biology, published “Anatomy, Physiology, and Pharmacology of the Basal Ganglia” in the August edition of Neurological Clinics…Stephanie W. Hartwell, assistant professor of sociology, published the article “Female Mentally Ill Offenders and Their Community Reintegration Needs” in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry.
Ford Hall Forum: A free public lecture and discussion, “Trapped by Trouble: Violent Teens, Juvenile Justice, and Rehabilitation,” featuring the Honorable Martha P. Grace, Honorable Roderick L. Ireland, and Daniel Robb, will be presented on Thursday, October 11 at 6:30pm in the Blackman Auditorium at Northeastern University, 360 Huntington Avenue, Boston. This program is presented in collaboration with the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern.
Public Safety Notes: The Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs is urging college students to be wary of all credit card offers. Consumer Affairs Director Jennifer Davis Carey says, “Many credit card companies are now targeting college students. Offers may seem quite appealing at first, but in the end many college students end up in serious debt. It’s important that parents and students talk to each other about credit before heading off to college.”…Dumb Criminal of the Week: For obvious reasons, donut shops are not the best place to rob. Antoine Cook of Chicago learned this the hard way. He was standing in line at Dunkin’ Donuts. When it came time to place his order he pulled a gun from his waist band and ordered the clerk to “Give it up!” The next thing he knew he had been grabbed and wrestled to the ground. That’s because standing directly behind him in line was a Chicago police officer. He’s been charged with attempted robbery and assault on a police officer.
WATERMARK: The Watermark, UMass Boston’s journal of the arts, will be holding staff elections for the position of editor-in-chief this year. Informational meetings will be held weekly on Tuesdays at 4:00pm in the Watermark office (W-4-177) with a final election taking place Friday, September 28 at 1:00pm. All students are encouraged to take part.
Exercise Science & Physical Education Majors: All Exercise Science and Physical; Education Major students who plan to do student teaching during the Fall 2001 semester, MUST complete and return the Application Form for student teaching by October 1, 2001. The application forms are available in the College of Nursing, Department of Exercise and Physical Science , Room 03-301-12 (Dr. Haslett’s office). Students not complying with this deadline date are subject to delaying their student teaching. NO STUDENT MAY do student teaching if he/she has not successfully passed: 1. The Writing Proficiency Exam. 2. All portions of the Massachusetts State Teachers’ Examination.
Forum For the 21st Century: The UMB Chancellor’s office is sponsoring “Understanding the Strategic Directions of Boston’s Major Community Foundations” on October 3, from 9:00-11:00am as part of the Forum For the 21st Century series. Speakers include: Michelle Courton Brown, president, Fleet Boston Financial Foundation; Paul Grogan, president and CEO, The Boston Foundation; Elizabeth Smith, executive director, The Hyams Foundation. The moderator will be Ron Ancrum, president, Associated Grantmakers of Massachusetts. The event takes place at the State Street Bank, Enterprise Room (5th floor), 255 Franklin St. Boston.