Words cannot adequately express the grief, sorrow, and anger that we all share as Americans after the evil terrorist attack against our great nation and our great people on Tuesday. Many, if not all, of us know someone who was a victim in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, aboard one of the hijacked airplanes, or who was one of the doomed rescue workers. Undoubtedly, we as a nation, united, pray for the victims and their families. As Thomas Paine wrote, an ironic last name in both his and our terrible times “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
Today there are no Republicans or Democrats. Today there are no liberals or conservatives. Today there are no immigrants or native born. Today there is no black or white. Today regardless faith…Christian, Muslim, Jewish, other, or none at all…we are united. Today, we are all Americans and united we stand.
I urge everyone to pray, to wear ribbons, to put them on your trees and homes and to fly the American flag in honor of both the victims, and the heroes, of this national tragedy. I urge everyone to give blood or donate money to rescue efforts. I urge everyone to support our President and our Congress as they labor tirelesslyfor America.
Today, we are a land fit for heroes. E Pluribus Unum. God bless America.
Sincerely,Brock N. CordeiroDartmouth, MA