Monday 23On CampusEVENT – Dissertation Defense Presentation: Mary DunnPolicy Implementation of Admissions Standards at State Colleges in Massachusetts * when: 1:00-3:00pm *where: GCE Dean’s Conference Room, Wheatley hall, 1st Floor, Room 75 * contact: Higher Ed Admin. Doctoral Program
LECTURE – Economics of CareNancy Folbre talks about the “care sector” of the economy * when: 7:00pm * where: “Old Faculty Lounge”, 11th floor, Healey Library * contact: [email protected]
LECTURE – Emergency: Life Support for Civilian War VictimsFeaturing Dr. Gino Strada * when: 1:30pm * where: Alumni Lounge, 2ed floor, Campus Center * contact: Jointer Center – 617-287-5850
EVENT – Winter Clothing ExchangeFree Clothes for those in need. * when:11:30am-1:00pm * where:Student Org. Conference Room, Campus Center, 3rd floor, Room 3100 * contact: The Arms Center – 617-287-7169
LECTURE – Cheryl OsimoA video, lecture, and discussion on toxic chemicals linked to breats cancer * when: 2:30pm * where: Faculty Club, 11th floor, Healey Library * contact: Women’s Center – 617-287-7986
Off CampusSPORTS – Women’s Soccer@ Regis College * when: 3:00pm * contact: 617-287-7801
Ongoing @ UMBDisability Student Ctr MtgCampus Ctr, 3rd Flr, Rm. 31002:30 am. – 4:30 pm.
Tuesday 24On CampusBOOK READING – Rodney Saint-EloiThe French Club Presents * when: Tues, Oct. 24 * where: * contact:
LECTURE – Urban Green Spaces Symposium * when: 2:00-4:00pm * where: 11th floor Healey Library * contact: [email protected]
SPORTS – Men’s Soccer vs. Mass Institute of Tech. * when: 3:30pm * contact: 617-287-7801
Ongoing @ UMBBeacon Fitness CenterMcCormack Hall 1st FlrStrengthen and Tone – 11:45 am. -12:45 pm.Kripalu Yoga – 2:30 – 3:30 pm.
Casa Latina weekly Latino community/cultural meeting. Student Groups Office, Campus Center, 3rd Flr2:30 p.m
Classics Club weekly Classical Greek play meeting, all are welcome. Student Groups Office, Campus Center, 3rd Flr1:30 pm.
Off CampusLECTURE – Too Hot to Handle? The Reception of the Woman Taken in Adultery,A discussion of story of Jesus and the adulteress found in the Gospel of John boasts a unique transmission history and a remarkably diverse set of interpretations. Though potentially dangerous, this story was not suppressed. @ Boston University School of TheologySMG 412, 595 Commonwealth AvenueFor info, call Crissie @ 617-358-1754.
FILM – Shanghai Express@ Harvard Film Archive, 9 P.M.24 Quincy St in Harvard SquareFor info:
Wednesday 25On CampusFILM – Peter Jackson’s Dead AliveUMB Film Club presents * when: 6:00pm * where: Campus Center Ballroom A, Room ?? * contact: Denez McAdoo – 617-501-3566 – [email protected]
EVENT – Job/Internship Search Strategies * when: Wed, Oct. 25 @2:30-3:30pm * where: Campus Center 1st Floor, Room 1110 * contact: Office of Career Services – 617-287-5519 –
EVENT – UMB Health Services Fair * when: 11:00am-2:00pm * where: Campus Center * contact: Linda Jorgensen – [email protected] –
LECTURE – Nobel Peace Prize Laureate John HumeDiscusses the Peace Process in Northern Ireland and Conflict Resolution * when: 6:00pm * where: Chancellor’s Conference Room * contact: McCormack Grad School
Off CampusSPORTS – Women’s Volleyball@ Mass Maritime Academy * when: 6:00pm * contact: 617-287-7801
Ongoing @ UMBHillel – weekly Jewish community/cultural meeting. Student Groups Office, Campus Center, 3rd Flr. 12:30 p.m.
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting 12 Step Recovery meeting. All are welcome (students/faculty). For info & location: 617-287-7981. 2 – 3 p.m.
Bridge Christian Faith FellowshipChristian group that meets for prayer, learning, and fellowship. 3:15-4:15 p.m.Peer Study Group @ UMBAll welcome. Hosted by Disability Ctr, Campus Ctr, 3rd Flr, For info: 617-287-7965.3:30 p.m.
Thursday 26On CampusLECTURE – Rethinking Israeli Occupation: A New Colonialism? A talk by UMass PoliSci professor Leila Farsakh * when: 3:00-5:00pm * where: Troy Conference Room? * contact: 617-460-7488 –
THEATER – The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged * when: 8:00pm * where: McCormack Theatre, 2nd Floor McCormack Building * contact: UMB Performing Arts Departments
LECTURE – Scott MaisanoGrad School Tips for English majors and minors * when:1:00-4:00pm * where: Ryan Lounge, McCormack Build. 3rd floor. * contact: Ian Tarter – [email protected] – 208-863-2613
MOVIE – KidnappingsHaitian-American Society Movie Night * when: 7:00-10:00pm * where: Atrium, Campus Center, UL * contact: [email protected]
SPORTS – Women’s Soccer vs. Lesley College * when: 3:00pm * contact: 617-287-7801
Ongoing @ UMBBeacon Fitness Center ClassesMcCormack Bldg, 1st FlrCardio Mix – 11:45 am. – 12:45 pm.Strengthen and Tone – 2:30 – 3:30 pm.Tai Chi – 9:30 – 10:30 am. (thru Nov 30)
Mindfulness Meditation Group McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Experience greater calm, an increased ability to cope with stress, more moments of joy and happiness.Interfaith Chapel, Ryan LoungeMcCormack Bldg, 3rd Flr. For info: 617-287-5624 or [email protected]. 2:30 – 3 pm.
Piece it Together – collaboration between visual art, performance art, spoken word, dance, poetry, acting, music in a space which grants you full creative license. Campus Ctr, 3rd Flr., Student Ctr. Conf. Rm. For info: 617-905-3113 or [email protected].
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting 12 Step Recovery meeting. All are welcome (students/faculty). For info & location: 617-287-7981 2 – 3 pm.
Friday 27On CampusLECTURE – Rethinking Israeli Occupation: A new Colonialim Talk by Leila Farsakh * when: 3:00-5:00pm * where: Troy Conference Room * contact: – 617-460-7488 THEATER – The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged * when: 8:00pm * where: McCormack Theatre, 2nd Floor McCormack Building * contact: UMB Performing Arts Departments
Ongoing @ UMBPhilosophy Club All invited to participate in weekly presentation. Wheatley Hall, 5th Floor, Room 041. For info: 617-287-6406 or [email protected] 2:30 pm.
Peer Study Group @ UMBAll welcome. Hosted by Disability Ctr, Campus Ctr, 3rd Flr, Rm 3001.For info: 617-287-7965.3:30 p.m.
Writer’s Circle – Meeting/workshop for creative writers. All welcome to submit work for critique. For info, e-mail: [email protected] Media Lounge Campus Center, 2nd Floor4 – 5:30 pm.
Saturday 28On CampusSPORTS – Women’s Soccer vs. Keene State College * when: 1:00pm * contact: 617-287-7801
THEATER – The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged * when: 8:00pm * where: McCormack Theatre, 2nd Floor McCormack Building * contact: UMB Performing Arts Departments
Off CampusSPORTS – Women’s Cross Country@ New England Alliance Conference MeetKeene State College * when: 11:00am * contact: 617-287-7801
SPORTS – Women’s Volleyball vs. Rhode Island CollegeLEC @ Western Connecticut StateU * when: 1:00pm * contact: 617-287-7801
SPORTS – Women’s Volleyball vs. Western Connecticut StateLEC @ Western Connecticut StateU when: 3:00pm * contact: 617-287-7801
SPORTS – Men’s Cross Country@ New England Alliance Conference MeetKeene State College * when: 11:00am * contact: 617-287-7801
SPORTS – Men’s Soccer @ Keene State College * when: 1:00pm * contact: 617-287-7801
Monday 30On CampusBOOK READING – Sticks & Stones: Living with Uncertain WarsJoin editors Padriag O’Malley, Paul Atwood, Patricia Peterson and several authors to talk about their collection of incisive essays on the legacy of war in our time. * when: 4:00pm * where: Chancellor’s Conf. Room, Quinn Building, 3rd floor. * contact: McCormack Grad School – [email protected] – 617-287-5545
LECTURE – What Do You Know About Interracial Dating?”Stares, Glares, or ‘I Don’t Cares'”:Inter-Racial, Ethnic, & Religious Dating A Discussion of Experiences and Opinions * when: 12:30-1:45pm * where: Campus Center, Room 3540 * contact: Edna Pressler – 617-287-5690
Ongoing @ UMBReal Life Christian FellowshipFree food and drinks, along with friendly discussion. Wheatley Lounge, 4th Flr. For info: 617-447-7578, [email protected]:30 p.m.
Disability Student Ctr MtgCampus Ctr, 3rd Flr, Rm. 31002:30 am. – 4:30 pm.
Beacon Fitness Center ClassesAqua Aerobics – 5:30 – 6:30 pm. (thru Nov 30)
Bible Study & FellowshipInterfaith Chapel, Ryan LoungeMcCormack Bldg, 3rd Flr11:30 am. – 12:30 pm.