Monday, September 11Student Organizations And Activities FairGet connected! Get active, get involved, meet new friends, and make a difference. There’s so much to do at UMass Boston.Campus Center Terrace1:00-3:30pm
Global Village Welcome Reception For International StudentsStudents from around the world are invited to join us for guided tours of the JFK library followed by a sampling of world cuisine.Campus Center Game Room4:00-7:00pm
Tuesday, September 12Boston Trolley ToursHop on the trolley for a narrated tour of interesting sites in downtown Boston and our local neighborhood.Departing from Campus Center Front Entrance11:00am and 1:00pm
Harbor CruiseTour the Harbor Islands on our new vessel, the Columbia Point.Fox Point Dock12noon-1:15pm
Stress Busters 101Sponsored by University Health Services. Need to lighten your load? Work out that back-to-school tension with a yoga class, tai chi workout, or a massage. Learn ways to manage stress and maximize your success.Campus Center, Alumni Lounge12noon-4:00pm
UMass Boston AthleticsMen’s Soccer-Beacons vs. Suffolk UniversitySoccer Field (near Clark Center, surrounded by running track)3:30pm
Pit StopStop by for free coffee, cider, and cookies.McCormack, 1st Fl4:30-6:30om
UMass Boston AthleticsWomen’s Volleyball-Beacons vs. Suffolk UniversityClark Athletic Center6:00pm
Harbor Art Gallery Opening ReceptionVisit our student-run art gallery and see the extraordinary work of Nico Stone and Alexi AntoniadisHarbor Art Gallery, McCormack, 1st Fl5:00-7:30pm
Wednesday, September 13WUMB Extreme Folk ExperienceLive music, games, and prizes.Campus Center Plaza11:00am-2:00pm
Undergraduate Student Senate MeetingFeaturing Patrick Day, vice chancellor for student affairs, Chancellor Michael F. Collins, MD, and discussions of 2006-2007 priorities. McCormack Hall, Ryan Lounge, 3rd Fl2:30pm
Thursday, September 14Convocation DayConvocation BreakfastCampus Center, University Terrace, 1st Fl8:00am
Constitution Day CelebrationIn observance of national Constitution Day, a day set aside for college students in particular to reflect upon the meaning and importance of the document upon which our country is built, we will be distributing copies of the U.S. Constitution. To honor Chief Justice Margaret Marshall, we will also be distributing the Massachusetts constitution.Campus Center, 3rd Floor, Near Ballroom8:30-9:30am
The Chancellor’s AddressChancellor Collins welcomes the UMass Boston community and speaks about the upcoming academic year.Campus Center Ballroom9:00-10:00am
The Honorable Margaret MarshallThe chief justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court offers a speech titled “To ‘Be Educated and Instructed in the Principles of Freedom.'” Sponsored by the McCormack Graduate School.Campus Center Ballroom10:00-11:00am
Barbeque For StudentsHosted by Chancellor and Mrs. Collins and their university colleagues.Campus Center Lawn12:00noon-2:00pm
Big Raffle For PrizesPrizes include $500 and $250 bookstore gift certificates, Red Sox tickets, and an iPod, plus many more. Drawings and winner announcements during Fest-of-Us and Pizza Party. Sponsored by the Chancellor’s Office, Enrollment Management, and Student Affairs.Free raffle tickets at barbeque and Fest-of-Us
Fest-Of-UsMusic, entertainment, food, and fun of all kinds-everything from a bungee rock-climbing wall to spin-art Frisbees.Campus Center lawn12:00noon-4:00pm
Pizza PartyFree pizza as long as it lasts-first come, first served-plus a final raffle drawing and the announcement of a $250 bookstore gift certificate winner.Campus Center LawnBegin 4:30pm
UMass Boston AthleticsWomen’s Volleyball-Beacons vs. Wentworth institute of TechnologyClark Athletic Center6:00pm
September 16-17WUMB’S Boston Folk FestivalIt’s the biggest folk festival in the Boston area, and the greatest place to be if you like live music. Enjoy the best music from quality folk talent, the finest food and craft vendors from the New England area, and a fun, friendly atmosphere for the entire family. For schedule details and ticket information, visit www.bostonfolkfestival.orgVarious Campus Locations11:00am-7:00pm
Other Great Events to Start the YearTake More Steps: What Have You Got To Lose? Join in on our campus-wide walking program! Log the number of steps taken from your parking space to the worksite or class and back for a month, and become eligible for weekly prizes! Sign up September 5 through September 14 and receive a free pedometer and log, as you step into healthy behaviors and better lifestyles. Look for details at the Information Station or sign up at the Beacon Fitness Center, McCormack 1st Fl.
Win A New Car! Raffle for a brand new 2006 Toyota Corolla to support the Empower Disabled Fund at UMass Boston. Tickets $50. Drawing to be held on September 20, 2006. For more information and tickets, contact Sergio Goncalves ( or Kerri Cleghorn (