* In an effort to connect neighbors to neighbors, residents to resources and the community to organizations, Social Capital Inc. Dorchester has created the first community website, scidorchester.org. To commemorate the launch of the site, SCI Dorchester is holding a reception at UMass Boston on Dec. 8 from 6-8 p.m. in the Ryan Lounge on the third floor of McCormack. There will be two guest speakers and light refreshments served. For more information, call 617-474-1422 or email [email protected].
* For students looking for a warm place to travel this winter and to pick up some credits, the Division of Corporate, Continuing and Distance Education has a few positions left in the UMass Boston Winter 2007 International Programs. One trip is from Jan. 3-25 in Jamaica, titled “Jamaica Today: People, Culture and Environment” and is offered by the Africana Studies department. The other two are from Dec. 27 to Jan. 27 in Mexico. One is offered by the Hispanic Studies department and is titled “Spanish Language and Culture,” focusing on learning Spanish in a Hispanic cultural environment. The other is offered by the Political Science department and is titled “Mexico Today: Politics and Society,” focusing on changes that are shaping Mexico. More information can be found at http://ccde.umb.edu/international.
* During the holiday season, the Office of Service Learning and Community Outreach is encouraging students to participate in the seventh annual Helping Hands. Students can stop by their office, room 3408 on the Campus Center’s third floor, and select a homeless or foster child or children to buy holiday gifts for. If you can’t purchase a gift, the office is also looking for students to help wrap the gifts on Dec. 6 in the Alumni Lounge on the Campus Center’s second floor from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. and to work the party where the gifts will be distributed to the children on Dec. 13 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., also in the Alumni Lounge.