Re: “State of the Nation” (2/26)
I bet the conservatives on campus were a lot less disruptive while “The Nation” was speaking then they would have been if it would have been a conservative magazine. Why is that? I guess once you are a trust fund liberal you cry like a baby when you don’t get your way. All I can say if you Anarchists win the battle you will not win the war, you see us hillbillies from the red states own most of the bullets in this country. And the last thing you Panty Ass Liberals want is Jungle Rules.
Re: “Dateline: Downtown” (3/5)
I’m with you! I may be a youngish 25, but I am an old soul, and I like oldies music. I’m constantly baffled by my city’s “oldies station.” Every time they play Uptown Girl, I feel like calling them and asking “Since when did 1983 become ‘oldies?'” Seriously! I’m not sure where the line of demarcation is between old and new, but it surely to god doesn’t include anything from the mid to late 70s or anytime in the 80s!