Police Log
Tuesday, January 16 8:57 AM: A medical assist was needed in the McCormack Building for somebody who struck their head after suffering seizures outside the theater. An ambulance came to the scene and took the person to the hospital, and the Health and Safety Department arrived to clean and sterilize the scene. 9:47 PM: An alarm call was reported in the Campus Center. Police checked out the scene and everything was secure. Wednesday, January 17 12:09 PM: Campus Police investigated a fire alarm in the Campus Center. Police found that the alarm went off due to mechanical failures. 10:19 PM: Campus Police investigated a fire alarm in the Campus Center. The alarm went off because of mechanical failures and work being done on the system. Thursday, January 18 9:46 AM: A bus caught fire on University Drive West. The fire department came to put out the fire, and the bus was towed. Friday, January 19 12:00 AM: Police looked into an alarm going off in the Campus Center’s Bursar’s office. Police checked out the scene and found everything to be secure. 7:55 PM: An alarm call went out to the Campus Police from the Service Building. Police investigated the scene and found everything to be secure. 8:05 PM: Police looked into an alarm going off in the Campus Center. Upon checking out the scene, Police found everything to be secure. 10:49 PM: Police investigated a suspicious person in Wheatley Hall. The person turned out to be a student sleeping in the building. Police told the student that they could not sleep in the building. That person was then sent home. Saturday, January 20 2:04 PM: A larceny was reported in the Campus Center. Monday, January 22 8:54 PM: A 911 hang-up call was reported from the Mt. Vernon St. phone. Police reported to the scene and found nothing or nobody there. Wednesday, January 24 12:37 PM: An accident was reported on University Dr. East. Police reported to the scene and found nobody hurt, and only minor property damage to the car. 10:41 PM: A suspicious person was reported to Campus Police. The suspect was seen wandering around the Campus Center, but turned out to be only a student. Thursday, January 25 11:45 AM: Vandalizing and malicious destruction was reported to Campus Police after somebody went to their car in the University Dr. North Lot and found their tires to be slashed. 11:52 PM: An alarm went off in Wheatley Hall. Police checked the scene and found everything to be secure. Friday, January 26 11:55 PM: A false-fire alarm went off in the Campus Center. Campus Police investigated the scene and found the alarm to be because of a drop in water-level.