Medical Emergency at WheatleyAt 12:05 p.m. on Oct. 22 in Wheatley Hall, UMass Boston campus police responded to an emergency call regarding a student in Ann Withorn’s “Higher Education for All” CPCS class. The student, a young woman, suffered seizure-like symptoms after consuming alcoholic beverages during the previous night’s Red Sox playoff game. Police arrived at Wheatley Hall within minutes and emergency personnel soon after. “Campus police arrived in four minutes, and the EMT’s within ten,” said CPCS graduate Jason Pramas, Professor Withorn’s teaching aide. “I was gratified to see the personnel respond so quickly.” The student returned home that evening after a brief stay in the emergency room at Massachusetts General Hospital, and attended class the next day.
Find out if you’re entitled to a tax refundThe Mass. Department of Revenue has created a series of videos aimed at educating students about income taxes and filing retirement. The first video, titled “Refunds – Are You Qualified?” was filmed at UMass Boston. The Department of Revenue is looking for students to respond to the video, as well as find out about any tax-related topics students would like to see covered in the future. The refunds video can be found at and students can contact those related to the project by emailing [email protected].
Looking for a new video game to play during midterms?Wazap is a search engine dedicated to gaming, which gives students a simple, yet in-depth resource to find all of the latest news, developments and even cheat codes for their favorite video games. Wazap works similar to a news feed, as it instantly collects and delivers all relevant results to the search. They are introducing a social networking component to the site, called MyWazap in November, to bring together gamers so they can discuss, share tips and challenge each other at their favorite games. To try it out, visit
UMass Boston Graduate Studies ShowcaseThe Office of Graduate Studies will be hosting a Graduate Studies Showcase on Nov. 13. There will be in-depth information on plenty of UMass Boston graduate programs, a workshop on the graduate admissions process to help students understand application requirements and financial aid representatives will be available to answer questions about paying for graduate school. For more information call 617-287-6000.