In the interest of vagary, pandemonium or perhaps outright fear of the written word, the UMB Campus Police department has extended their “no comment” policy to the police log. So the bare entries this week are not a result of laziness or insufficient inquiry. They merely mark silence boldly.This is not meant to disparage the brave men and women who work on and around our campus to keep us safe day in and day out. Indeed the purpose of this log is to allow students the opportunity to see for themselves one often-overlooked branch of our campus life. Mass Media will be looking into this policy this week in order to keep students informed.Monday November 9th8:40am – Property damage report on University Drive South9:23am – Assisted another agency on Bianculli Blvd1:29pm – Offered medical assistance in the Administration building2:08pm – Responded to a false fire alarm in the Science Center10:42pm – Checked an alarm call in the Campus Center, all secureTuesday November 10th2:00pm – Offered medical assistance in Wheatly Hall and someone was transported5:36pm – Property damage in the Administration buildingWednesday, November 11th7:45pm – Responded to a false fire alarm in the McCormack BuildingThursday, November 12th9:57am – Breaking and entering and burglary in the Campus Center10:30am – Peeping tom in the Campus Center11:25am – Larceny in the McCormack building7:47pm – Suspicious person reported in the Healy Library, checked, secureSaturday, November 14th10:35pm – Alarm calls checked and secure in the Campus Center