Welcome back everyone, and I hope you all had restful and productive summers and are ready to dive back in to another semester here on the peninsula. For freshman, this semester begins your college career and you have everything to look forward to, except the strong possibility of graduating into an ob market that may not exist. For Seniors, this is your chance to say goodbye to friends, professors, and your student discount. For everyone this year starts off with some great news, as while the economy is still in the toilet, the Governor and President Wilson have followed through on their promise to rebate some of that that much protested $1500 fee hike that went into effect last semester. You’re not going to see all of it, because it wouldn’t be Massachusetts if you didn’t get jacked by the state for some of your hard earned cash, but a lot of it will go back into your pocket. That is, before you are forced to spend it on books and the next fee hike. Check out the following page for full coverage from News Editor Caleb Nelson.
The exciting thing for us over here at the Mass Media is that while are sad to see seasoned vets like Ryan Thomas (Sports), Charlie Peters (Sports), Reggie Themistocle (Design), and the infamous Dan Roche (longtime opinions editor/homegrown Damon Runyan) depart, there sizable shoes are being filled with a fresh crop of up-and-comers. Sebastian Lena, athletics chronicler and campus free-throw champion will be keeping you up to date with all the news out of Clark, while long time contributor Stephanie Fail steps into the editors seat in Opinion bringing some fresh ideas to the post-Roche era of the paper. Arts is a two headed monster this semester, with seasoned pro and supermom Bonnie Godas keeping an ear to the streets for all the latest in the music world while Emma Franco will be roving the walls of the hottest galleries in town to keep you on the cutting edge of what’s hip.
If you think you have something to offer, whether it’s writing, photo, business, graphic design, or you just want to raise morale by baking us some cookies, we’re always looking for new memebres of the Mass Media family.
Also, as some of you may have noticed, it is Tuesday, which is the new release date for the paper the rest of the semester, so dont freak out when you come in after the weekend and there are no new Mass Medias. Hope you all have a good semester and we’ll be seeing you around.
Ben Whelan