Did you know that Venus is the closest planet to Earth? When she is up in the sky she appears to be lavishly bright and shimmery, making it easy to notice among other numerous planets, stars, and galaxies out there. Indeed, she shines bright like a diamond! By the way, Venus is the planet that is mentioned the most in songs (we do not count sun and moon as those are the luminaries, or lights).
What would make people throughout the ages love, cherish, and praise Venus? Due to her close proximity to the sun, she gets to travel quite close to it, appearing either as the “morning star,” when rising with the sun at sunrise, or as the “evening star,” rising over the horizon when the sun sets. Her close travel with the source of all life—the sun—gives her extra respect and attention. Her pristine white shimmer is her purity, balance, and perfection.
Venus was thought to represent nature, its beauty, and the awe of the creation. She would protect people on Earth, sending them her warm rays of endless love and support. She, naturally, rules love affairs and sex; creativity and its expression in the world; she governs over beauty and balance, procreation, childbearing, and children, which she is particularly known for.
By looking at Venus’s placement in the sky (what zodiac sign she is in) at the moment of one’s birth, we would be able to interpret hidden parts of that person’s personality: how do you express your love; what is your “normal” way to express the feelings of love and appreciation toward others; where do you find you inner balance; what is your sense of beauty; and what area of life you would best express your creative ideas in.
Finding your Venus Sign might be quite interesting and insightful. There are other astrological “tools” to get more details on the topic of love, but I hope that this short piece would be a nice invitation to discover the astrological world of your Inner-Love self.