Final exams and papers are scary and tiring things, but once they're finished, are a relief.
It’s that wonderful time of year again!
The semester is wrapping up at colleges across the United States, and in less than two weeks, students will be out for winter break and enjoying their free time! However, before all of that, students have to get through some final things… I mean finals.
Final exams and papers are scary and tiring things, but once finished, are a relief. Now, in order to do well on finals, studying very hard is extremely important. Here are some tips to make sure you do well on your exams:
1. Review your notes
According to Billie Streufert, the director of Student Success at Augustana College, in an article for the Huffington Post, this is one of the most important ways for college students to study for quizzes and tests, based on what they have covered in the last few weeks. Personally, by reading over my notes, I feel like I am more likely to retain the material in my head, knowing that the material will likely also be on the exam.
One word of advice: read over your notes before you go to bed. This way, you will better recall the information. Also, make flashcards of any key terms and write them out.
2. Go to office hours
I cannot stress this enough! You should always go to office hours before a final exam. It is beneficial because you will most likely have all your questions about the final exam answered. You may also get some great study tips to ensure success. When going in, go with specific questions—don’t just say “I’m lost.” Neither you or the professor (or the TA) will know where to start.
3. Get a good night’s sleep before the exam
According a study conducted by Ghent and KU Leuven Universities in Belgium, a good night’s sleep is associated with higher test scores. This is not only due to good rest, but also due to study habits and socioeconomic backgrounds. In fact, since we are all adults in college, we should be getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night. By doing so, we will not only do well in our classes but we will be happier and healthier. Showing up and attending class is also a factor in good grades.
4. Attend class
Yes, I know it’s hard to show up to your 8 a.m. at the end of the semester. You’re tired, burnt out, sleepy, and let’s face it—just want to be done. However, it is very, very important that you attend the last few classes before the last day. Why?
It’s very likely that the professor will hold a review session or at least mention study opportunities. Whatever materials you are confused about will likely be on the final and if you don’t understand it now, you will likely have trouble. Besides that, you should also go because it shows the professor that you care about the class and that you want to do well on the final.
Oh and one more thing to add—as mentioned before, frequently attending class helps boost test grades. Sometimes, that final will be cumulative and can count for a big portion of your final grade, which could impact your entire semester.
Hopefully, all of these tips listed above help! Good luck, happy studying, and happy holidays!