I will feel free to think or do whatever I want. I will not feel like I am being scrutinized because they trust that I am aware of what is expected of me in their presence. I know their ways and values and how to polish my manners in a way that will please them. When you come to a place where you are a minority, it is different because physically and intellectually you stand out. You will see eyes looking at you and then this paranoia will invade you, giving the feeling that you make them uncomfortable and they will not want you around. You are going to be watching your back constantly and you will become a prisoner of your paranoia. You will tense up and censor all that you do and feel excluded like a prisoner.Being a prisoner is being excluded from society because of the difference in the action that I did. I broke a pattern, and since a culture cannot be defined if it lacks patterns they are going to punish me for it because if they do not it will weaken the “integrity” of their culture. For example, if I killed someone, it is not a common thing to do so I would probably get arrested and become a prisoner. Every day in that prison I will know and see the guards watching me, watching my every move, ready to take me apart if I try anything that is not permitted in this place they put me in.When your ethnicity becomes something that is unusual to the majority it can become an imprisonment until you meet one of these different ones. You meet one from the majority that gives you a hand and welcomes you. This makes you understand that you are not totally what they seem to make you feel like. You are not necessarily a threat, it is just that they don’t know who you are. They will corner you and keep you separate in your own cell of broken trust so that you don’t hurt them because they don’t know what to expect from you. When this one person makes you understand that, your mind becomes free and you will look at this new world differently. This is one of the ways to lose the cage of being hyperconscious of someone’s limited expectations of you.What about soldiers? They are expected to kill and are treated as heroes. Breaking the rules in a certain context does not lead to ostracism. It is interesting that the word racism exists in this term used to describe excluding someone from a social group! Anyhow, when I kill someone and they make me a prisoner, there are guards that are watching me and that will kill me if I try to escape because I pose a threat to their society. It applies to the soldier who is essentially this guard watching over prisoners. He is employed to watch over territories instead of a prison. We have borders in a country, same as how in a prison we have walls. You cannot cross these walls, otherwise you will get shot. In a country they manage who and what crosses the borders.We imprison ourselves in a country and don’t let others in for safety, for control, and to protect the way things are. If outsiders try to invade us, our soldiers will be expected to kill them. They are posing a threat to our peace and sanity by invading. In a regular prison is just the inverse. Those posing a threat to our peace and sanity are kept in an enclosed space and they are imprisoned and can be killed if they try to cross the borders to get out. Where do these ideas of peace and sanity come from? These rules of what is peace and what sanity is are common rules that were forged by those living in a community. If we reduce a community metaphorically to a family of lets say, five people, a pattern begins to appear. With a father, mother, and three kids these five people share a common ideology and way of living. Just like a community, they restrict themselves to the number of those born within, because they feel like if someone with a different ideology comes in it may disturb their balance. If the intruder tries to enforce his own beliefs among them it defiantly will bring chaos among the family. Mother will no longer know best, father will no longer seem so wise. The members of the family may think that anyone who decides to follow the intruders ideology has been misled to some ideas that are not sane enough for their way of being. This may cost them. If for example, one of the kids meets this girl that just makes him see the world another way and he starts acting quite differently than how he used to act within his family. The balance that secured the space between the five people is disturbed a little bit by this new current of ideas. Therefore this girl is considered the intruder who came and messed up the balance. Unless the youth acts as a bridge and active peacemaker to show the family she is not a problem, she will never be accepted. The idea of sanity and peace is a common rule that the community shares. From community to community it differs and if one feels like they are thinking the right way and looks at another and decides they are wrong, the chaos will take place if they try to directly inflict on each other their beliefs and values. If they look at each other with open minds, they can identify with the humanist wisdom and respect the patterns of culture within the other society. They realize that chaos is not the same thing as growth. In fact, in biology food is ripped apart chemically to be used for growth. It is the same with new ideas, they are processed, mixed with the home consciousness, and hopefully grow wiser and stronger for it. It is the fear of change, lack of trust, and the righteousness that accompanies it which creates prisoners, not ethnicity.
Does Ethnicity Makes You a Prisoner?
By Zoliyis Naviv
| March 7, 2010
| March 7, 2010