Sunday, March 7th12:05pm – An injured party on the 4th floor of the Campus Center recieved police assistance until he or she was transported to the hospital.Monday, March 8th9:12am – Police recieved a call about an assault that allegidly took place in the Campus Center. They wrote a report about the incident.Tuesday, March 9th3:38pm – A car was burgularized in Lot C. Police wrote a report on the incident.4:01pm – A thief stole a confidential object from the McCormack building. Police wrote a report.8:07pm – A thief escaped with some undisclosed loot from the McCormack building. Police wrote a report.Wednesday, March 10th9:52am – Police responded to an accident that happened on Bianculli Blvd, and wrote a report about the experiance.11:06am – A car parked in the bus lanes in front of the Campus Center caused a hassle. Police ticked the vehicle and had it towed.2:58pm – Someone stole something from the third floor of the McCormack building. Police wrote a report.5:04pm – A suspicious vehicle was reported in Lot C. Police say they didn’t “render any services.”5:30pm – Larceny on the third floor of McCormack. Police wrote a report7:28pm – Larceny on the second floor of McCormack. Police wrote a report.8:06pm – Alarms went off in the Campus Center.Thursday, February 11th12:13pm – Larceny in Campus Center. Police wrote a report.Friday, March 12th12:41pm – Alarms went off in the Administration building. Police said they saw “no visible issues.”1:34pm – A thief escaped with undisclosed items from the first floor of the Campus Center. Police wrote a report.3:42pm – A person of undisclosed gender complained about harassment on the 3rd floor of the Campus Center. Police wrote a report.Saturday, March 13th2:16pm – Alarms went off in the Administration building.Sunday, March 14th9:22am – Police were called to investigate property damage in the Clark Center. They checked the area and found it secure.Monday, March 15th10:31am – Someone sustained an injury on the 3rd floor of the McCormack building. Police provided first aid until an ambulance arrived12:15pm – An individual was injured in the Healey Library. Police offered medical assistance until an ambulance took the person to a nearby hospital.3:24pm – A person said they were being harassed on the 4th floor of the McCormack building. Police wrote a report.Tuesday, March 16th10:39am – Someone hurt themselves in the Administration building. Police offered first aid until an ambulance arrived11:02am – Someone was hurt on the third floor of the Campus Center. The person was taken to the Hospital.