What is creamy, sticky, bittersweet and something millions of people could never dream of living with- out? Get your mind out of the gut- ter, pervert. It’s peanut butter. I don’t need to tell you how popu- lar the nut-based paste is, or how it’s made a lasting impression on the American palette. Countless chil- dren across the country eat it daily and Proctor and Gamble, Owners of Jif brand peanut butter churn out approximately 250,000 jars each day to fill the need. Massachusetts State Legislature even voted to make the Fluffernut- ter, which is one half peanut butter, one half fluff, the official state sand- wich. Peanut butter is by no means lim- ited to the U.S. Although it’s rela- tively hard to get in Europe, people in the Philippines and the Nether- lands are among the top consum- ers. Recently, peanut butter has taken on a more humanitarian role. In- vented in 1997 by Andre Briend, Plumpy’nut is a peanut butter based snack used to fight malnu- trition. Malnourished children eat the product for two to four weeks, resulting in rapid weight gain. Both the World Health Organiza- tion and UNICEF have recognized Plumpy’nut’s effectiveness. Whether you scoop it, spread it or lick it off your fingers, take time to enjoy peanut butter this November.
Yummy, Nuts!
By Jordan Llyod
| November 1, 2010
| November 1, 2010