The Pack A.D. is Canada’s answer for the rising blues-rock genre. They often get compared to The White Stripes and The Black Keys because they are a two piece band that happens to find inspiration in the blues. Although similarities can be drawn Becky Black, guitarist, and Maya Miller, drummer, defi- nitely bring a different style of raw emotion and blues. Mass Media: The first question I’ve got to ask is what is your least favorite question that you get asked all the time? Just so I can avoid it. Becky Black: “Who are your influences?” I think that’s my least favorite. MM: Is there a particular reason or is it the fre- quency at which it gets asked?BB: It’s just a hard question to answer; it’s just like… not a short answer. It’s like well right now I’m listening to this but I’ve been listening to this for years. I really like all genres of music it’s really hard to say what in- fluences me, and its movies or writ- ers… it’s just a hard question it’s like “well this one person influenced me.”MM: Ok I’ll avoid that ques- tion for you. BB: Ok.MM: Why did you start playing guitar and was it your first instrument?BB: Actually, I think the first instrument I played was the flute. It wasn’t for very long; I thought it would be cool to be like Jethro Tull. I realized I couldn’t re- ally rock a flute. So I ended up pick- ing up guitar as a hobby. I didn’t really start playing guitar to be a rock star it was just something to do. NowitseemstobewhatIdo every day. MM: So you didn’t re- ally see yourself as a guitarist?BB: No.MM: So what did you want to be?BB: When I was really young I wanted to be a fire fighter, but that wasn’t really realistic. I wanted to be a professional athlete.MM: Re- ally? What sport?BB: Either Soc- cer or lacrosse; I probably wasn’t good enough or…. I didn’t practice enough. I don’t know, it requires a lot of training and I’m kind of lazy, so that didn’t really work out. Then I wanted to be a professional artist but is there such a thing as a pro- fessional artist? Not really. MM: Not until they are dead.BB: Yea exactly. The same could be said about some musicians, maybe not as much. So yeah I just had a bunch of hobbies; I never really considered a career. Music was hobby that turned into a career. MM: Do you have any advice for people who are picking up guitar? BB: I taught myself so I didn’t really learn how to play correctly. My advice would proably be to get some lessons, or pick up a book and learn chords Also, start with acoustic cause then when you move to electric it’s a lot easier because it doesn’t hurt your fingers as much. Build up your cal- luses on acoustic first.MM: So get calluses?(Laughter)BB: Yeah and don’t worry about buying an expen- sive guitar. MM: Which do you en- joy more playing live shows or re- cording the album?BB: Playing live shows defiantly, I think it’s defiantly more representative of us. There’s something a little sterile about any- thing you record. It’s like the differ- ence of watching live theater or a movie, anything can go wrong. Live is just more exciting. MM: How did you start playing drums?Miller: I started playing because we started a band. MM: So you just learned as you went?Miller: Well yea, I took some lessons. There are two ways you can drum, you can be totally mathematical, which is what drum- ming basically is, math; or you can be much more of a feel drummer, which is what I am. I don’t drum quiet normally. I might actually learn guitar just so me and Becky can switch on some songs. She’d still have to sing though.MM: So you don’t have a singer’s spirit?Miller: I do fantastic karaoke. I do incred- ible Led Zeppelin like you’ve never heard before. As far as actual sing- ing…. I don’t know about that. MM: I feel like picking Zeppelin is a bold choice as far as karaoke goes. That’s risky; you’re living on the edge.Miller: It is seriously like the only thing I can nail. The Pack A.D. rocked Boston not too long ago so they might not be back for a while but check out their music, videos, and future tour dates at
Canadian Band Proves That Two Musicians Have Enough Power to Rock the House The Pack A.D.
By Ariel Rodriguez
| November 1, 2010
| November 1, 2010
About the Writer
Ariel Rodriguez served as the following positions for The Mass Media the following years:
Arts Editor: Fall 2011
*Music Editor: 2010-2011
*The position of music editor was developed in Fall 2010, and disappeared in Fall 2012. Elizabeth Dow served as music editor from 2011-2012.