The DREAM Act, or the Development,Relief and Education for AlienMinors Act, was first introduced to theSenate on August 1, 2001. If passed, theAct would allow those with a GED orhigh school degree who have been livingin the United States for at least fiveyears and are under the age of 35 to applyfor conditional legal status for sixyears. During that time, the individualwould have to graduate from two yearsof college or serve two or more yearsin the United States military. Aftercompletion the individual would thenbe able to apply for citizenship. OnSeptember 21st, 2010, the DREAMAct, along with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,went to the floor in the Senate. The billwas filibustered by every Republicansenator and one Democrat. As the votefor cloture was 56-43, and a 60 votemajority is required to override a filibuster,this effectively stopped the billfrom coming to a vote. On September22, 2010, Senators Richard Durbin andRichard Lugar reintroduced the bill.