Major areas of Roxbury, Dorchester,and Mattapan are not served byrapid transit and there is no direct busservice from the Fairmount corridorneighborhoods to downtown.Four new stations will be constructedat Four Corners, Talbot Avenue,Blue Hill Avenue, and NewmarketSquare (Massachusetts Avenue at theSouth Bay shopping center), openingup the neighborhoods to the rest ofBoston and creating ecomonic oppurtunity.According the The Fairmount/IndigoLine CDC Collaborative websitethe expansion will “bring transit equityto the residents in the distressedneighborhoods along the nine-mileFairmount line.” They also stated thatthe expansion will create a “pipeline ofover 1500 new and preserved housingunits, 780,000 sf of new commercialspace, with potentially 1,365 jobs; anda 9-mile Green Corridor.”The Dorchester Bay Economic DevelopmentCorporation website statedthat the project has received “$43.5Mfrom the state to create four newFairmount stops and improved service.$35M from the MBTA to complete”fix-it-first”repairs at two existing stops:UphamsCorner and Morton St and at three railbridges to allow for upgradedservice[and] $3M to design four new stops:FourCorners, Talbot Avenue; Newmarket,and the Cummins/Blue Hill Avenue(fall 2011 completion)”.
Facts About Fairmount-Indigo Line
October 19, 2010