Access to health care is virtuous and in harmony with creating a prosperous society. For our government to provide relief to corporations who have knowingly and purposefully deceived millions of hard working Americans, and repeal health care, is disastrous. Furthermore, it is inconsistent with the founding values of this nation, the inalienable rights including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Should the Affordable Care Act be successfully repealed, we are in essence stating that we value profit over lives, corporate health to the detriment of the well-being of ordinary Americans.
Health care access is consistent with valuing life and the removal of such noble objectives serves to further disrupt the already ailing trust we have in our government institutions. How can we can justify spending billions of dollars on the military industrial complex and yet have the audacity to quarrel over legislation designed to promote general health? What is fundamentally wrong with extending health care coverage to all citizens? This law is simply intending to create systemic access to health care. For example, students can remain on their parents’ health insurance coverage until the age of 26 and discrimination based on pre-existing conditions is forbidden.
We are told that young Americans will ensure the political, economic and financial wellbeing of this country yet the real message seems to be that the very wellbeing of human lives are devalued. Indeed we are straying from virtuous pursuits when we can justify sustaining military contracts that result in death yet bicker about how much it will cost the country to ensure that everyone has access to health care services. America has proven its resiliency and we will find solutions to fund this legislation while mitigating financial collapse but even if we don’t, are we wrong for ensuring universal healthcare for all?