Friday, February 11th
A female student called in a harassment complaint that occurred off campus to the Campus Police Department around 3:30 PM. She then came into the department to lodge the complaint in person. Not long after she came in, the man against whom she lodged the complaint also came into Campus Police Department and was questioned. As this was an incidence of domestic abuse that occurred off campus the Boston Police Department was called and he was arrested by that agency.
The former boyfriend was arraigned in court and issued a restraining order. The female student was unaccustomed to the procedures as she came to school from a foreign country not long before. Thus, she was assisted by Campus Police detectives as measures were taken against the abuser. The Dean of Students office is also taking administrative action against the subject.
Monday, February 14th
At 9:26 AM a report of larceny was called in from the Campus Center. Items from desks in Student Life on the 3rd floor were stolen, probably over the weekend. There is an ongoing investigation.
A student called into the Campus Police to report verbal abuse at 11 AM. A suspicious male was in the plaza outside the Healey Library. The incident was reported to the Dean of Students after being reported to Campus Police.
At two separate times during the day, at 6:15 PM and later at 8:11 PM, a fire alarm sounded in the Healey Library. First a frozen pipe in the lower levels burst, causing the alarm to sound. The incident was reported, checked and secured. The second alarm sounding was caused by a bursting sprinkler head. These incidents are probably due to the recent increase in temperature.
Tuesday, February 15th
A car in the South Lot was illegally parked. The car was ticketed and towed. All fees paid on parking tickets are pooled and added to scholarship funding for incoming students.
Thursday, February 17th
A suspicious male approximately 6 feet tall and wearing a puffy blue jacket was reported in the Administration building at about 8:15 PM on the Upper Level. When officers arrived on the scene the man was gone.
Note: Between the 11th and the 17th there were nine reports of theft, mostly of unattended belongings. Campus Police strongly recommend not to leave personal items unattended.