On August 1, 2016, it will be the 50th anniversary of the University of Texas mass shooting. Ironically, it will also be the day college students and faculty are allowed to bring guns onto their college campuses.
Yes, that’s right. Texas’ state government has proceeded to make mass shootings easier to commit. Instead of trying to protect their citizens, Texas lawmakers have passed a law that endangers the lives of students and faculty.
Of course, Texas lawmakers stupidly think that allowing people to carry guns on campus makes everyone safer. They don’t seem to understand that guns only have one purpose: to kill. There’s absolutely no reason to have a gun on you, unless you plan to kill someone or something. After all, you don’t point a gun at something unless you intend to kill it.
This new law has also had an effect on the intellectual community in Texas. Professors have already started to accept jobs at different universities where guns are not allowed on campus, and students are proceeding to cross Texas colleges off of their lists. I know that I would do the same thing. Why would I go to a school where I could be shot and killed?
Due to the new law, Texas colleges have already started telling professors to dumb down their lessons. Professors have been told to avoid talking about “sensitive topics” as well as not see students outside of office hours, for they may be at risk of being shot and killed by an angry student. Students have also expressed concern at talking about controversial subjects. After all, why would you express your opinion when someone of a differing opinion may shoot you because you think differently than them?
It is sad that this is what Texas colleges now have to do. This form of self-censorship ruins the entire purpose of a college class. Why risk talking when you could easily be killed by anyone of your classmates?
Maybe this is what the legislatures want. An uneducated population is easier to control than an educated one. And unfortunately, common sense is not so common. People actually believe that having more guns prevents crime. This is not true.
You cannot kill someone with a gun if you do not have one.
When Will Texas Learn?
March 6, 2016