We are not professionals. We are students looking to help fellow students in their time of need.
Submit questions to askjackandjade[@]gmail.com. Submissions must be less than 200 words. All questions will be posted as anonymous unless specified otherwise.
Dear Jack and Jade,
I haven’t told anyone this yet, but I’m really scared of entering the workforce and growing up. I wish I was a kid again…
Dear Anonymous,
I totally feel you—I think all twenty-somethings do, so don’t feel like you’re in this alone. At this point in our lives, most of us still feel like kids inside, but we’re expected to act like adults. But I’m here to tell you that your mindset and life is going to be what you make of it. The direction it can go in is completely up to you.
Ask yourself if there are any deep-seated desires that are trying to claw their way out, or perhaps, pretend for a moment that you’re 88 years old and extremely ill. What would you have wanted to accomplish during your life?
Of course, you can’t go back in time and live infinitely in your youth, but you CAN bring yourself back to a youthful mindset. As for your future—nothing is set in stone. Try talking to someone you are close to about your feelings. Maybe there are changes you would like to make in order to feel more like “yourself” again.
Good luck and feel free to write in again if you have any more questions!
Dear Jack and Jade,
I am having a hard time preparing for finals! At this point in the semester I am drowning in work. My grades are falling, I feel overwhelmed, and I do not know what to do.
Frustrated student
Dear frustrated student,
Ends of semesters are always stressful! Especially if you’re taking a full course load and work as well. The problem you are having is similar to what many other students are facing. I can say that I, too, feel as if I am drowning at this point in the semester. If you find it is the situation where you are unable to complete assignments on time, you should consider talking to your professors and if possible ask for a small extension to assignments. Try not to look at the work you have to do as impossible, try to set time apart to work on assignments and ask for help from a friend or classmate if you need it. If you manage your time wisely and keep focused, you should be able to keep your grades from falling.
Best of luck to you,
Ask Jack and Jade
April 22, 2016