Date: February 26, 2005From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USATelephone: 617-282-4996 FAX: 617-825-4943 (NEW fax number)E-Mail: [email protected] Page: http://www.Psychotherapy.comDear Editor: Suppose a government wishes to increase the country’s Gross Domestic Product by twenty, thirty or forty percent in a given year over and above, say, a seven percent increase that is expected. All it has to do is print and spend an additional amount, equal to twenty, thirty or forty percent of the GDP, in that year on productive purposes. By definition, the GDP would have increased by an additional twenty, thirty or forty percent that year (not counting the multiplier effect, referred to in the letters below, which will depend on how the money is spent). Printing the money takes no creativity, thinking up productive purposes to spend it on does not take much either. The money can be spent directly by the government, through private parties or both ways though, of course, by spending the money directly, the government does not have to wait for private parties to come up with proposals. The important thing is that how much the GDP grows next year– seven percent or twentyseven percent or more– is strictly in the government’s own hands. Terms such as “deficits” (there are no deficits when all the money a government spends is printed by it; if the government does take in money as taxes or charges, the effects of deficits on interest rates occur only if the government borrows the additional money, not if it prints it, as I said in a letter several years ago) and “overheating” of the economy are worthless concepts which only serve to maintain the status quo in which various people have a vested interest. As I wrote four years ago, “people get pleasure from the pain and deprivation of others and [reference to a head of government], who is no exception, will not want [a change]”. Satish Chandra The author, a scientist, is listed in Who’s Who in America (59th Edition, 2005). For more information about him, see his web page:
Date: February 8, 2005From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USATelephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973E-Mail: [email protected] Page: http://www.Psychotherapy.comDear Editor: My proposal about money (letters below) does not impede free enterprise; to the contrary. At the time of India’s ‘supercyclone’, I wrote the government should invite any and all individuals and organisations to ‘find a need and fill it and be reimbursed at double your cost’. I wrote this is a formula to take care of such situations ‘swiftly, painlessly and almost magically’. In non-emergency situations, a profit of 50% may be enough incentive. As I have written, the government’s role should be that of a dispenser of money. It should ensure that no worthwhile project or proposal goes unfunded. As I wrote, ‘Let a million five-year (or two-year) plans bloom’. Satish ChandraDate: January 30, 2005From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USATelephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973E-Mail: [email protected] Page: http://www.Psychotherapy.comDear Editor: The Russian government responded to the letter below by pooh-poohing “ideological prejudices and mercenary interests”. I have said below how enslaved the Indian government is to the Americans, causing and perpetuating the suffering of Indians. The Americans are succeeding in bringing the Russian government in a similar relationship. I have referred below to the fallacy because of which exports and earning a lot of foreign exchange are considered a good thing. When you export to the United States and earn dollars, those dollars, when used to purchase American goods and services, start chains of economic activity in the United States and, through the ‘multiplier effect’, increase the Gross Domestic Product of the United States, not your own country’s, by several times the amount of purchase. For this reason, I said several years ago, a crore of goods and services sold domestically is worth several crores of goods and services sold abroad, so far as the effect on India’s prosperity is concerned. In India there is a rapidly growing class of people who provide, for example, “call center” services to the Americans and many engineering graduates in India work in these jobs because of the pay rates. If the Indian government was serving India’s economic interests, by implementing my proposal about money, these workers will be serving the needs of Indian consumers, not of Americans (and engineers will be doing engineering, not call center jobs). These examples are the least of the economic and political horrors India’s slave relationship to the United States involves. When the Russian government sells a portion of a Russian oil company to an Indian company which provides it with, say, five billion dollars, what will those five billion dollars accomplish that the Russian government cannot accomplish by printing an equivalent amount in roubles? Being able to print money without limit (except those set by environmental effects) means a government has an unlimited amout of money for investment. Seeking foreign investment is the same as unnecessarily giving away your country’s assets to foreigners. The Indian government does the same and is guilty of treason as well as stupidity. When the United States buys any goods and services from other countries, it pays in dollars which the other countries can only use by buying American goods and services and, in the process, increasing the American Gross Domestic Product through the ‘multiplier effect’. When India buys goods and services from the United States, it cannot pay in rupees. Satish Chandra Date: January 23, 2005From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USATelephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973E-Mail: [email protected] Page: http://www.Psychotherapy.comDear Editor: My proposal about money is in the economic field what nuclear weapons are in the military field and the white countries are as intent on denying economic power it will bring to the lesser breeds as they are on denying the military power of the nuclear bomb. A member of the G-8 has written to the prime minister of Britain, which has summoned India, to exercise “authority” over India of the white countries (as a Japanese academic said to me, Japan is a colony of the United States which has hundreds of military bases on its soil) which are the “major donors” in the tsunami relief and to intimidate the Indian government into not implementing my proposal about money. As should be clear from my letter dated January 21, 2005, below, the dispensers of money– whether the white countries or the multilateral bodies controlled by them– are the government of the governments of countries like India. In a letter to the Indian press I said several years ago that India’s national security requires that it take steps to proactively disarm and, if necessary, destroy the G-8 countries (leave out Japan) whose combined population does not equal India’s. This is the standard against which the Indian government should judge itself. By implementing my proposal about money, this is entirely feasible. As I have said (letter dated July 14, 2004, below), my proposal about money is the greatest development in the history of social science– greater than Marxism– and, arguably, the greatest development in human history. Instead of meeting criminalbushmonkey in February, Russia’s president (who wrote the above letter to Britain’s prime minister because he couldn’t countenance a mere Indian giving economic advice, never mind the jew from Harvard– a beneficiary of the crimes against me there– devastating the Russian economy with galloping inflation– bringing the rouble to something like 10,000 to a dollar– and causing untold and continuing misery, cutting industrial production, per capita incomes and life expectancy, etc., etc.) should study what I have written about money and greatly improve the prospects for Russia and the world. Satish Chandra
Date: January 21, 2005From: Satish ChandraSubject: Reply to second letter from the editor (below) Letting all individuals print their own money is ruled out by the fact that people will still have to produce goods and services and the money they receive has to be conditional on their producing. Hence a government is needed as a dispenser of money. When and if automatic machines provide all goods and services in unlimited amounts, money will simply not be needed. (Not all individuals need to produce, however. When the government gives money to pensioners, for example, that still raises the Gross Domestic Product because this money generates a chain of economic activity when the pensioners spend it on goods and services, just as money spent by ‘working’ people does). But, within limits, individuals CAN print their own money, as they do when they write checks (cheques) against a line of credit and that does get the economy going. (It is a matter of interpretation whether the line of credit is money provided by a bank or credit card company or the individual is ‘printing’ the money when writing a check against the line of credit. If the line of credit is the money, then at least the banks and credit card companies, in addition to the government, are ‘printing’/creating money– within broad guidelines provided by the country’s central bank– as the United States government can print money only within limits– the ‘National Debt’ ceiling– set by the United States Congress; the Congress provides a ‘line of credit’ to the government and increases the line of credit when it raises the ceiling on the ‘National Debt’). In the United States, the savings rate is negative and the ‘irrational exuberance’ of the citizenry splurging under debt does contribute greatly to American prosperity, as I have pointed out. My proposal about money, however, leads to a rational prosperity and money is a device that makes productive behavior possible, as I said in my 1997 letter. I have discussed in numerous letters and articles a number of practical as well as philosophical issues connected with it (such as what will happen to the concept of property– it “will survive in a weakened form”– and the fallacy because of which exports and earning a lot of foreign exchange are considered a good thing). No entity– government, bank, credit card company or individual– can print/create money without limit because of environmental effects. Satish Chandra>From: “Editorial – AsiaLaw (HK)” >To: “Satish Chandra” >Subject: RE: Reply to an editor who asked “Ever heard of inflation?”>Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2005 12:43:49 ?>>OK thanks for clearing that up Satish>Things must be nice in a non-finite world>What if we allowed all the world’s citizens to print their own money?>That would really get the economy up and running… Surely?>Date: January 20, 2005From: Satish ChandraSubject: Reply to an editor who asked “Ever heard of inflation?” I have dealt with the issue of inflation, both in the 1997 letter cited in this letter and elsewhere. When I said in this letter that providing benefits in kind will ensure that the funds are used for productive purposes, it also meant that it will ensure there is a corresponding increase in the production of goods and services. Inflation occurs when the production of goods and services does not keep pace with the money supply. In the 1997 letter I refer to controlling prices, if necessary. Going beyond the demand-supply mechanism involved in inflation, I have pointed to the role of “inflationary expectations” in generating inflation and what the government can do to avoid generating “inflationary expectations”. For example, I have pointed to the feasibility and desirabilty of not raising railway fares even if fuel prices go up and not raising fuel prices even if the price of imported crude oil goes up– to avoid generating “inflationary expectations”. After I pointed out a “multiplier effect” because of which each rupee printed and spent by the government increases the Gross Domestic Product by several rupees, the United States Department of Labor estimated that each dollar the U.S. government provides to unemployed people as unemployment compensation increases the Gross Domestic Product by more than two dollars. (By the way, Mr./Ms. Editor, I have had more higher education than anyone I have ever met in my entire life, including those on the Harvard University faculty. The only reason I have not received at least three Nobel Prizes is the crimes of the Americans against me– and against mankind. See my webpage for my professional training: ). Satish Chandra >From: “Editorial – AsiaLaw (HK)” >To: “Satish Chandra” >Subject: RE: Second Expansion of Letter dated December 29, 2004>Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 09:47:58 ?>>Ever heard of inflation?Date: December 29, 2004From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USATelephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973E-Mail: [email protected] Page: http://www.Psychotherapy.comDear Editor: At the time of the ‘supercyclone’ that hit India about five years ago, I pointed out that the more money the Indian government prints and spends on relief, the more the Indian economy will benefit ( see my proposal about money; letter dated January 5 ’04, below), because the amount so spent will increase the Gross Domestic Product by several times that amount. So long as the money so spent is used for productive purposes– on both goods and services– and is not taken from money earmarked for other purposes but is additional money printed by the government, the more money the government prints and spends, the better for India. Instead of a thousand crores, the government should spend a hundred thousand crores and even more, on short term as well as long term measures. India lacks neither money nor manpower– civil or military– to deal with this or any other problem and should reject the military “coalition” which the United States has seized the opportunity to draw India into. The death and destruction the United States has inflicted on Iraq is greater than any country has suffered from the tsunami. All countries should refuse any assistance from the United States or cooperation with it in tsunami relief or any other enterprise. In a letter to the Indian press several years ago, I pointed out that Indian Railways need not collect any fares from passengers (or freight charges) at all since the government can print all the money it needs to pay for the service, at a negligible cost (the cost of printing the money) and, in the process, greatly benefit the economy. In fact, as I have said (letter published in three parts in The Observer of Business and Politics, New Delhi, on March 11, 12 & 13, 1997), the government need not take in any money at all– in the form of taxes, charges or borrowings– when it can print all the money it wants. The more money the government prints and spends for goods and services, the more the economy will benefit (printing paper currency can be replaced with, say, electronic insertion of funds into accounts for certain purposes). This applies to all goods and services and all governments. In the current issue of the monetization of government benefits in Russia, providing benefits in kind has the advantage of ensuring that the money is used for productive purposes. Satish ChandraDate: December 16, 2004From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238,
SATelephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973E-Mail: [email protected] Page: http://www.Psychotherapy.comDear Editor:The Russian oil company, Yukos, has filed for bankruptcy protection in a United States court, though it has no assets in the United States. Residents of Eastern Ukraine should move a Russian court to void election plans in Ukraine on the grounds that the Ukrainian court had yielded to mob rule and American money and personnel had subverted government processes there– and to send Russian forces to enforce its decrees. American courts have no jurisdiction in either matter but Russian courts– and government– do. The Americans seem to feel that the Russian Foreign Ministry is their stronghold and can be relied upon to serve American interests over Russian interests. If so, the Americans have succeeded in subverting government processes in Russia also. As a check on American world domination, the Warsaw Pact ought to be revived and should include all of its former constituents. Satish ChandraDate: December 5, 2004From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USATelephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973E-Mail: [email protected] Page: http://www.Psychotherapy.comDear Editor: A report in the New York Times quoted a Western diplomat as saying that judges in Kiev can be influenced with bribes and intimidation. But when they came out favoring a new election, it congratulated them for adopting the European Union’s position; evidently the bribery/intimidation this time came from the West. The teacher of the discipline mentioned in the letter dated November 19, 2004, below, refers to a government’s role as that of a parent to children and calls democracy and elections the worst system of government. That is the Indian view ( not what the politicians, secretly ruled by the C.I.A. –which, for example, got both Vajpayee and Rajiv Gandhi to agree to a plan to use India’s population for AIDS vaccine development and, to this end, have the Research and Analysis Wing spread heroin addiction in India’s tribal Northeast– say). What is clear is that a separation of Ukraine from Russia will be a giant victory for American world domination and possibly a fatal blow to mankind. It must not be allowed to happen. I have shown in letters to the press over the past several years how most ‘militant’ groups operating in India are sponsored by the Research and Analysis Wing and it just carried out an explosion in Kashmir to promote partnership with Russia in fighting terrorism but Russia’s focus at the moment should be the battle being waged by the West to separate Ukraine from it. What is happening in Ukraine is an illustration of the advantage the United States has because of its willingness to use its nuclear arms (see letter dated June 27, 2004, below). The foundation of American world domination is aggression. Unless other countries bring their counter-aggression above the American level, there is no hope for them. Satish ChandraDate: December 4, 2004 From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Telephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: Dear Editor: The Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary, P. C. Alexander (see letter below), was rewarded with governorships of Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra and was set to become India’s president and was replaced with A. P. J. Abdul Kalam only because the Congress party thought his becoming India’s president will be an impediment to the party president becoming India’s prime minister. The Principal Secretary was so miffed that he resigned the governorship of Maharashtra. All this while India’s greatest scientist and the greatest living Indian has continued to suffer, with unimaginable injury to India and the world. This bugger should be hung up by the heels and asked why. What I have said in letters below about the Shankaracharyas and India’s own technology does not mean India’s government should be given a veto in the UN, etc., because India’s government is in Washington and works through the Research and Analysis Wing and politicians and others on its payroll. This collaborator regime (see letter dated January 5, 2004, below), regardless of the party forming the government, is the enemy of India and the population at large is also abjectly and profoundly enslaved to the Americans (it used to be the British). Giving it technology or a veto will seriously hurt Russia and other independent countries. Indian companies buying Russian oil assets, etc., will be Trojan Horses for the Americans. Satish Chandra Date: December 1, 2004 From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Telephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: Dear Editor: In a letter to the Indian press several years ago, I recounted an incident in 1979 when I went to the center in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA) where the discipline mentioned in the letter dated November 19 ’04, below, was taught and the American director of the center told me I will have to learn it in India because it involves “national power” (about which I wrote “Technology denial, even when the technology is from India!”). An American physicist who heads the countrywide organization of such centers in the United States refers to the forces involved in this technology as millions of times more powerful than the nuclear forces (involved in nuclear explosions). Everyone knows about American attempts ( such as the invasion of Iraq and threatened invasions of Iran, North Korea, etc.) to deny the nuclear technology to the ‘lesser breeds’. The assault on the Shankaracharya is part of American attempts to deny India its own technology and destroy the repositories of such knowledge. The Research and Analysis Wing is playing the role about which I wrote to Prime Minister Indira Gandhi about American attempts to destroy another Indian scientist: ‘A handful of the British had conquered and ruled India, largely with the help of Indians; that situation has essentially continued’ (she wrote back she was “passing it on to my Principal Secretary to deal with it”, but I never heard from the Principal Secretary, P. C. Alexander; instead, she was assassinated by the Research and Analysis Wing on orders of the American president; see letter dated November 24 ’04, below). Satish Chandra Date: November 29, 2004 From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Telephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: Dear Editor: Once the Research and Analysis Wing fabricated an entire television interview with Pakistan’s president Musharraf, using a look-alike in his place and broadcast it, as I pointed out in a letter to the press. I have also pointed out in past letters how it made telephone calls, purportedly from me, to The Week magazine once and sent a look-alike to some media organs when I was in India in 1996-97. RAW’s fabrication of the Shankaracharya’s ‘confession’, as part of the C.I.A.’s bid to destroy India’s repositories of knowledge (see letter dated November 19, 2004, below) and establish American world domination, requires a more robust and immediate response than has been forthcoming. About 1960, at a reception for a visiting Soviet delegation at a university, I said to my conversation partner ‘let us talk in Hindi’. He said fine and immediately switched to Hindi. I almost fell back in surprise. The Soviets were also embarked on world conquest but of a very different kind, of sharing their utopia, unlike the Americans’ world domination which aims at racial subjugation and exploitation, is toxic in a fundamental way and inimical to the survival of mankind. If Russia starts resisting American imperialism again, particularly in West Asia, the former muslim constituents of the Soviet Union will probably want back in. Satish Chandra Date: November 27, 2004 From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Telephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: Dear Editor: The Bajrang Dal has said it will give a “befitting reply” to the assault on the Shankaracharya. As I have said (letter dated November 19 ’04, below), India’s collaborator classes in all branches of government, in the press, etc., should be punished. Sacking the headquarters of the Research and Analysis Wing cannot be done without the participation of the armed forces which are themselves collaborators with India’s enemies (see letter dated January 5 ’04, below). However, the Times of India functions as an organ of the Research and Analysis Wing and has been running calculatedly scurrilous headlines about the Shankaracharya (the Hindustan Times and Indian Express are not far behind). Sacking their offices, forcing them to close and punishing their editors (capital punishment is warranted) will be a good first step. The Bajrang Dal should forge ties with people in other countries, in Pakistan and West Asia, battling American world domination and collaborator classes in their own countries and rapidly induct light, medium and heavy weapons of all kinds to become a potent fighting force in the shortest possible time. The LTTE and other groups in Sri Lanka could be a model but these groups have been created and controlled by the Research and Analysis Wing. Avoiding infiltration and control by the latter will be the main challenge for the Bajrang Dal. Satish Chandra Date: November 24, 2004 From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Telephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: Dear Editor: In a letter to the Indian press over a decade ago, I said A. B. Vajpayee made his political career by having Deen Dayal Upadhyaya brutally murdered. In the same letter, I pointed out how Indira Gandhi had her son, Sanjay, murdered by the C.I.A. In another letter I pointed out how Vajpayee had his chauffeur– whose body was found hanging from a ceiling fan in the BJP headquarters– murdered. The current chief ministers of Tamil Nadu (who has been under the thumbs of the Research and Analysis Wing for years as the latter has held the threat of numerous cases against her, as I have said in past letters) and of Uttar Pradesh (who spoke up in support of the Shankaracharya’s arrest on orders of the Research and Analysis Wing which has held the threat of crores in charges for unauthorized use of aircraft while Defence Minister over his head, as I have said in past letters) have been behind innumerable killings and assaults. After my letter dated November 19 ’04, below, Vajpayee moved, on orders of the C.I.A., to pre-empt any robust and effective response to the assault on the Shankaracharya– such as sacking the headquarters of the Reseach and Analysis Wing– with a feeble, ineffective ‘relay fast’ to ensure that the Shankaracharya remained in police custody. The assault on the Shankaracharya is part of the C.I.A.’s moves to establish American world domination ( see letter below). To focus on one or two killings or assaults when millions have been killed and hundreds of millions will be killed is stupid in the extreme. Not all killings are equal; Indians (stupidly) killed thousands of Sikhs for the killing of Indira Gandhi (which was arranged by the Research and Analysis Wing on orders of the American president, Reagan, as I have said in a past letter). The assault on a Shankaracharya is infinitely more injurious to India than the assault on an Indira Gandhi. To say that ‘no one is above the law’ is to put the “inferior Indian niggers” of the police and the judiciary (see letter dated January 5, 2004, below), aping their foreign masters and doing all they can to injure India, above a Shankaracharya. Whether or not this Shankaracharya ordered any killings, if Shankara destroys at times, so can a Shankaracharya. Satish Chandra Date: November 19, 2004 From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Telephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: Dear Editor: In a letter to the Indian press about a decade ago, I wrote something close to the following: ‘Einstein’s Theory of Relativity makes certain statements about the nature of gravity and inertia. Thousands of practitioners of a certain Indian psychological discipline (spiritual discipline, if you will) give spectacular demonstrations of the nature of gravity and inertia before which Einstein’s achievement seems paltry indeed. They are seen on network TV and reported on in major newspapers. But never in the science pages or the science journals and never with seriousness and never with honesty. A conspiracy of silence prevails to deny it, or India, due recognition. The Indian press, run by their mental slaves and servants, is even more blind. But the really guilty ones are the ignoramuses who run Indian government and science but haven’t got a clue as to these things or their stupendous implications.’ The teacher of the above discipline has been a student of a Shankaracharya and referred, in a press conference a few months ago, to armed goons in India– sent by the Research and Analysis Wing on orders of the C.I.A.– beating up and breaking up groups of practitioners of the discipline a few years ago, forcing them to flee. The current assault on a Shankaracharya is the latest move in the C.I.A.’s bid to establish American world domination ( to the same end, the C.I.A. spiked medication used by an Indian practitioner of Western science to make him blind). Rivers of blood must flow of India’s collaborator classes– in all branches of government, in the press and elsewhere– to repel and defeat this bid. Satish Chandra Date: July 14, 2004 From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Telephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: Dear Editor: A member of the new Indian Cabinet, Mani Shankar Aiyar, has been intimately involved in the C.I.A.’s day-to-day activities in India in recent years. My proposal about money (see letter dated January 5, 2004, below) is the greatest development in the history of social science–greater than Marxism–and, arguably, the greatest development in human history. Countries applying Chandraism to their economies can greatly accelerate their progress by saying they are doing so. Satish Chandra Date: June 27, 2004 From: Satish Chandra, P.O. Box 381629, Cambridge, MA 02238, USA Telephone: 617-407-0071 FAX: 617-825-4973 E-Mail: [email protected] Web Page: Dear Editor: A summit of Arab leaders in Tunis, prompted by the letter below, resolved upon “reforms”, but societies need not await reforms to gain strength and independence from science and technology, to shape themselves as they wish. Isaac Newton spent more time on fundamentalist studies of the Bible than on Physics, doing both concurrently, and accused his enemies of trying to “embroil me with women”, but that did not prevent him from being a great scientist. Technology, however, is necessary but not sufficient for independence; if the perceived willingness–perceived by yourself and others–to use your arms is zero, their value–deterrent and other–is zero. The United States has a decisive advantage–ideological, economic and military–over the rest of the world because of its demonstrated willingness
to use its nuclear arms