“As with going anywhere new and exciting, I was armed with my camera when I was in China. Whether we, the group of crazy American teachers, were touring around in some random factory, in some strange small town, or in the little city-town of Zhuji we called home, my camera was never too far from reach. I had many images to choose from, and more importantly various themes to choose from. Just because I chose to focus on a few working people does not mean that the other potential options were not absolutely amazing. Each image is a momentary glimpse at simple people working like so many of us must, the main difference, if there is one, is that they are halfway around the globe, many miles and hours away. There is not too much extraordinary about these images, but I should place them into the context of how my intention fulfills itself. Perhaps it is only through my own logic, however-it is the perceptions of truth that seems to be the continuing line throughout. How these pieces represent the truth is of course personal and individual. Yet, these images show people in their own environment during their tasks at hand. These moments are objective, but the way they are interpreted is subjective. May peace be with you and may love protect you.”
Dylan Seo – UMass Boston Open Studios