I’d like to comment on the writings of a John Kane III and his article on Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Being a personal friend of that author, I have already talked with him about this.
The subjects spoken about in the article were not presented in any way that is acceptable by any selfrespecting newspaper, no matter how small or insignificant it may be. There was a sever lack of professionalism in the artcile and it was almost torture to read such a blatant display of ignorance. The author had obviously not cared about what he was writing and it was even more obvious that he hadn’t looked at the big picture; the game itself. He was too busy to care about that, as he was more distracted with WHO was voicing the characters of the original game than HOW they were voiced. If he had found fault in the way in which the characters were voiced, that would have been one thing, but he didn’t care about that, he was just mad that Lance Bass voiced Sephiroth (though I don’t think you can screw up his lines, which were “huh!” and “hyaa!”).
Onto the review itself it was obviously biased and, by definition, a journalist should be writing nonbiased articles, though personal opinion is allowed. A review of a video game should be fact based and an overview of the gameplay, graphics, character developement, sound, etc. It should not be a popularity contest and an excuse to rant about something that did not meet expectation.
I understand that this editorial letter is around a month late, but Mr. Kane only showed me the article an hour ago and I couldn’t help but attempt some sort of save on behalf of all gamers. Perhaps in the future Mr. Kane will take a more professional and acceptable approach to his articles. I hope to read something far better in the future. Thank you for your time. -Caitlin, age 18