Monday, January 24
1:53 p.m. – Report that a door was tampered with in the science center. Later found out that suspect was just using door to enter into a room.
Tuesday, January 25
2:07 a.m. – Motor vehicle accident on Morrissey Blvd.9:47 a.m. – Party slipped in catwalk and sustained a head injury. Party refused an ambulance and would not reveal their true identity.9:56 a.m. – False fire alarm. Set off due to broken pipes in the Lower Level of the Parking Garage. Upon further investigation it was found that the parking garage is in need of minor maintenance and cosmetic repair. Garage should be fully renovated by 2025. 4:12 p.m. – Complaints reported of a loud group of people behind the Snowden Auditorium. Hippies found smoking grass and protesting. The crowd dispersed after they were threatened to be given work detail.
Wednesday, January 26
9:50 a.m. – Larceny reported in McCormack Building. Robble robble.11:05 a.m. – Suspicious Person reported driving around and looking at cars in the parking garage. Turned out to be a parking garage employee.12:26 p.m. – Disturbance in the Campus Center. Suspect not found.12:30 p.m. – Disturbance in the Campus Center. Party was acting up in the bookstore after denied the chance to sell back an outdated edition of Ways of Reading.
Thursday, January 27
3:13 p.m. – Medical Assistance needed in the Campus Center. Party slipped and injured their head. Ambulance was contacted but party refused hospitalization, and once again, would not reveal their true identity.
Friday, January 28
4:10 p.m. – Larceny reported in Wheatley Hall. Party reported a briefcase and Creedance tapes missing…and a rug too.Sunday, January 29
7:46 p.m. – Larceny reported in the Clark Center. . Leads? Yeah we’ve got leads. We got four more detectives working on the case down at the crime lab. 10:30 p.m. – False fire alarm in the Campus Center due to mechanical malfunction.11:02 p.m. – False fire alarm in Campus Center. Party claimed to have accidentally set off the alarm. After further investigation the person was found to have warrants out for their arrest and was taken into custody.