Many Catholics have had their faith in their Church shaken by the recent scandals. However, what is not being revealed to Catholics and others, are the true reasons why some of the Bishops of the Catholic Church, without the knowledge of Rome, chose to cover-up these scandals. With the Blessing of Pope John Paul II, and using the Green Bay, Wisconsin Diocese as an example, this writer has written down these reasons on my Web site for your reader’s study and discernment. Spiritually, the Catholic Church in the United States and in many parts of the West, has become very lukewarm, for many Bishops set a poor example to those under their rule, and routinely participate in, and/or give their approval to many types of scandals, therefore re-defining, to fit their own lifestyles, what it means to be truly holy. In relation to this, people in our country need more than “flag waving” to restore our nation to it’s former greatness. We need, in a far greater way, to set a good example to the world community, and use our time and talents to help the less fortunate, not only in our own country, but throughout the entire world, so that through the collective efforts of many, all nations may come to truly experience “peace on earth”. I am now sharing these messages of hope with others, so that no matter what your Faith, you may also become more aware of the differences between hypocrisy and true holiness. Thank you. Web address: Vincent BemowskiMenasha, Wisconsin For Editor’s reference – complete address: 708 State St.Menasha, WI 54952 ph: 920-725-5477 E-mail: