STUDENTS-PLACE AN AD FOR FREE in the classified Section.
If you are a member of the UMass-Boston community and you are looking to sell something, you can place a classified ad for free in our newspaper. Ad must be shorter than 30 words. Come to M-1-621 to submit ad. Thank you
ATTENTION CJ STUDENTS! We are looking for career-orientated people for Campus Public Safety positions. All you need is to be able to pass our background screening. Interested? Fax resume to (617) 753-9950. Attention Julie C.
HIRING FOR CURRENT TUTOR NEXT SEMESTER! Instructors needed to teach exciting science programs to kids. Must have car & kid experience. Training provided. P/T, $15-25 per 1hr program. Call Mad Science @ 617-484-6006.
Make $3000,00 Quickly . Egg donors needed to help infertile couples make the Dream of having a family Become a reality. Please, Contact our website at or call Victoria at 617-439-4990 ext. 3068.
NEED EXTRA $$$ during school, spring break o or even summer vacation? Easily sell beautiful jewelry to classmates, colleagues & friends all year round! offers unbeatable values for quality toe rings, chokers, bracelets, etc.! Checkout our web site – For $$$ making opportunities e-mail: [email protected].
Children deserve the BEST! Care for children in their own homes. Earn $10?. If you have at least one full weekday or afternoons available, childcare experience & a contagious smile, give JOY a call. 617-739-KIDS Parents in a Pinch, Inc.
Join JUMPSTART and make a real difference in a child’s Life!* Work one on one with preschool children to prepare them for school success* Earn $7.50-9.50/hr through your Work Study OfficeReceive a $1575 Americorps Educational Award after one part time school year and a full-time summer or $7.85 after one school year. For more information, visit our web site at to complete an online application or contact us at 617-542-JUMP ext. 53.
Earn $1,000-$2000 this semester with the easy three hour fundraising event. Does not involve credit card applications. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so call today! Contact at (888) 923-3238, or visit
SEEKINGHealthy women 18-32ish, Caucasian, to donate eggs for childless infertile couple. Significant money compensation. Some medical procedures required. Anonymous. Professional, licensed Medical Center. Mention ad to: Danielle, 781-942-7000×613.
PRELAW Prepare for uncertainty Seminars and PublicationsBoston, New York
GREEN PARTY CAMPAIGN JOBSGet Big $ Out of Politics Earn $8-$10/hour Contact Courtney 617 628 7513
Bauer Goalie Equipment for sale. 32″ Leg Pads, Full Right Catcher and Blocker, Medium Chest Protector, and bag large enough to carry everything. Equipment has a Black/Red color scheme and is in good condition. Call 617/367-7970 or e-mail at [email protected].
CARS FOR SALE1996 Nissan Sentra GLE power windows/locks; cruise, Alloy rims, moon roof, remote keyless entry. Excellent condition! Must sell! $6500 or best reasonable offer! Call (617) 267-5326
1988 Olds Cultlass, fair condition, 170K miles, engine in good shape, power windows, CD player, cruise control, dent on left door-$1100. Call Darren at 617-287-7428
1994 Nissan Sentra XE. Manual transmission, cruise control, airconditioning, 4 doors, 190K miles. Very reliable, well maintained, great commuter car. $2995. Call Danielle 508-746-3806, leave message.
CELL PHONE FOR SALEBrand new SP 110 (WorldCom Wireless PCS) LGS Digital Phone with Charger and Owner’s Manual for complete descriptions and instructions for use. Interested? Call Zamuha @ (617) 287-8423
PIONEER CAR 12-CD DISC CHANGERLike new! Used only for 2 weeks! 150 or best offer. In original box with everything. Email Jake at [email protected]
AIRLINE TICKETOne round trip ticket: Continental Airlines for travel within the U.S. Valid through March 31,2002- Three weeks advance reservations is required. $225 or Best Offer. Felika (617) 287-7830
BOOKS FOR SALEStatistics by Freedman $65, Sociology by Schaefer $40, State of Working America $20, Philosophy- Beginner’s Guide $15, God, Devil, Perfect Pizza $10, Thinking A to Z $10, (617) 561-7826
NOVEL FOR SALEThe Bride of Jesus! Plus a modern heroine! Nantucket to Jerusalem to Cape Cod in the novel “Defenders of the Holy Grail” Written by a UMB alumnus. or use this coupon Spring special: $6.50 each Number of Copies:_______ Total $_________Name: ______________ ________ Address: ___________________________________MAIL to: Elfstone Pub. PO Box 579 N Hampton, NH 03862
ROOMMATE NEEDEDFor April 1st of ASAP. Seeking one male or female to share five attractive bedroom apt with 2 full bath. $500 per month. Walking distance to T station on Red Line Close to UMB. Call 617-269-3492 or email [email protected]
LIVE-IN POSITIONS at residential summer camp in Charlton, MA. Available to anyone who honestly likes being with children. Call 800-433-8375,
ROOMMATE WANTEDResponsible female wanted to share 3 br apartment in South Boston. W/d, deck, across from the beach. Walk to UMASS. Must be responsible but fun. Graduate students only. $600 util. Cell: (610)563-7722.
Spring Break 2002! Prices from $419, on the beach from $529. Reliable air to Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, Jamaica, Bahamas, and South Padre. Mexico Special, FREE MEALS and PARTIES book by Nov. 15th and Save BIG! Organize a group and travel, FREE. Break with The Best Call for details a FREE brochure 1-800-787-3787.
***Act Now! Guarantee the best Spring Break Prices! South Padre, Cancun, Jamaica, Bahamas, Acapulco, Florida & Mardigras. Reps Needed…Travel Free, Earn$$$. Group Discounts For 6. 800-838-8203/ www.LEISURETOURS.COM.
Spring Break 2002!!! Student Express is now hiring sales reps. Cancun features FREE meals and parties @ Fat Tuesdays – MTV Beach Headquarters. Acapulco, Mazatlan, Jamaica, Bahamas, South Padre, Florida. Prices from $469, with Major Airlines. 24,000 travelers in 2001. Call 800-787-3787 for brochure or email [email protected]
Wanted! Spring Breakers! Sun Coast Vacations wants to send you on Spring Break to Cancun, the Bahamas, Jamaica, or Mazatlan FOR FREE! To find out how, call1-888-777-4642 or e-mail [email protected].
SPRING BREAK PARTY! Indulge in FREE Travel, Drinks, Food, and Parties with the Best DJ’s and celebrities in Cancun, Jamaica, Mazatlan, and the Bahamas. Go to, call 1-800-293-1443 or e-mail [email protected] to find out more.
SPRING BREAK INSANITY! or call 1-800-327-6013 .Guaranteed lowest prices! We’re the best – forget the rest! Fifteen years experience! All destinations! Wanted: Representatives and organizations, earn top $$$, Build Resume!
Spring Break 2002 – Travel with STS, Americas #1 Student Tour Operator to Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas or Florida. Promote trips on-campus to earn cash and free trips. Information/Reservations 1-800-648-4849 or
MAKE YOUR OWN HOURS. Sell Spring Break 2002 Trips. Highest Commissions – Lowest Prices, no cost to you. Travel FREE including food, drink & non-stop parties!!!. World Class Vacations. 2001 Student, Travel Planners “Top Producer” & MTV’s Choice (Spring Break Cancun Party Program) Call 1-800-222-4432.
“Diversity” and “Multiculturalism” don’t scare you? Is Discovery important to you? Help start Non ProfitGraduate/Post Graduate Think Tank. 1.Mathematics, 2.Physics, 3.Computer Science and 4.Electrical Engineering. Must be able to work in a diverse multicultural group. Cooperation required, MORE thanCompetition. Input from retired professors welcome (only those genuinely interested,Please). For details: [email protected].
The Horizons Initiative is recruiting volunteers to play with children living in homeless family shelters and battered women’s shelters in Greater Boston. Daytime and evening hours available. A commitment of 2 hours per week for at least 6 months is required. For more information or an application please call (617) 287-1900 or visit us online at Substance Abuse HELPLINE seeks volunteers for 24-hour, 7-days per week. Information and Education phone service to persons affected by alcoholism and substance abuse. Close proximity to the T. For more information on becoming a HELPLINE volunteer; please call (617) 536-0501, extension 201
IQ TEST The Hubbard Dianetics Foundation of Boston offers a limited time, FREE intelligence and personality tests. YOUR IQ, PERSONALITY AND APTITUDE DETERMINE YOUR FUTURE. Know them. No Obligations. Come to 448 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02115. Call 617-266 7782.
EGG DONORS NEEDED. Age 21-32. Non-Smoking. Generous compensation. For more information contact Robert Nichols, Esq. (781) 769-6900
FREE Drop In Tutorials at the Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Center. Every Tuesday 1-2 pm, and every Wednesday 10:30-11:30 am and 2:30-3:30 pm.M-3-421
FREE Drop-in Graduate Writing Workshop will be held every Wednesday from 3-4 pm. M-#-407.