Courtesy of the Office of UniversityCommunications & External Relations.
Thursday 16
Voice Division Recital617-287- 9 p.m., Wheatley, 1st floor, Snowden Auditorium, room 088. Featuring vocal students of Professors Marilyn Bulli, Suzanne Ehly, David Giessow. For more information, call 617-287-6980.
Friday 17
Dance Theatre Workshop: Dance Concert8 – 11 p.m., McCormack, 2nd floor, theatre. Featuring a public performance of Dance Theatre Workshop’s semester-long choreography with original work choreographed by faculty and students. Also running May 18. For more information, call 617-287-5645 or e-mail [email protected].
Saturday 18
Dance Theatre Workshop: Dance Concert8 – 11 p.m., McCormack, 2nd floor, theatre. Featuring a public performance of Dance Theatre Workshop’s semester-long choreography with original work choreographed by faculty and students. Also running May 17. For more information, call 617-287-5645 or e-mail [email protected].
Tuesday 21
Supervising Employees with Disabilities: Productive Management Strategies and Tools for All Staff8:30 – 11:30 a.m., MIT Stratton Student Center, 84 Massachusetts Ave., 3rd Floor, Private Dining Rooms 1&2, Cambridge, MA. Disability and employment experts will present effective, everyday supervision and management strategies that increase productivity for all staff, including employees with disabilities. Learn new ways to: help your employees improve their skills, treat employees with diverse needs fairly and without preferential treatment, work constructively with staff to address performance concerns, and understand the range of job accommodations available to assist your staff. Sponsored by the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities and WorkTech Solutions. WorkTech Solutions is a project of the Institute for Community Inclusion at UMass Boston. Pre-registration is required. For more information, call 61617-287-355-5371 or e-mail [email protected].
Friday 24
Today is the last date Financial Aid Services can certify a Federal Stafford Loan for the 2001-2002 academic year. For more information, call 617-287-6300.
After Finals Bash8 p.m. – 12 a.m., Wheatley, 3rd floor, Wheatley Cafeteria. Presented by the Black Student Union. Come join us as we party the night away to release the stress of this academic year and the anxiety of finals. Featuring Blak-X-Clusive sound system from New York City, and a fun and promising date auction (dinner and a movie goes to the highest bidders). Tickets are $6.00 for students w/UMB ID, and $8.00 for students without UMB ID. For more information, call 617-287-7982 or e-mail [email protected].
Monday 27
Memorial Day holiday.
Tuesday 28
12th Annual McNair Program Graduation Ceremony/Dinner6 – 10 p.m., JFK Library, Smith Hall. In recognition of our graduating McNair Fellows. For more information, call 617-287-5780.Friday 1
ITC Workshop L-931: Introduction to Macromedia Flash 1-3 p.m., Lower Level, Healey Library. Explore the tools of vector-based web design with this powerful and popular application. Call 7-3990 for more information.
Monday 4
ITC Workshop: Technology-Enhanced Classroom Teaching with Jenzabar.com1-3 p.m., Lower Level, Healey Library. Learn how to easily use technology to enhance your classroom instruction. Call 7-3990 for more information.
Tuesday 5
Free Tuesday Cruise on board the M/V Hurricane 12 noon – 1:15 p.m., Fox-Point dock. Learn about the sites and sounds of the Boston Harbor Islands while getting to know your fellow students and/or co-workers. Call 7-5404 for more information.
ITC Workshop L-888: What is a computer virus? 1-3 p.m., Lower Level, Healey Library. Learn about viruses and virus protection in this exciting workshop! Call 7-3990 for more information.
Thursday 7
ITC Power Breakfast8:30-10:30 a.m., Lower Level, Healey Library, Presentation Room 2. Join your colleagues in an informal discussion about issues related to technology on campus. Call 7-3990 for more information.
Saturday 9
On-The-Spot Admissions 9am – 2pm (last appointment @ 1:30) Make an appointments with an admissions counselor to have student credentials reviewed and receive an admissions decision that same day. Call 7-6000 for more information.
Monday 11
On-The-Spot Admissions 9am – 6pm (last appointment @ 5:30) Make an appointments with an admissions counselor to have student credentials reviewed and receive an admissions decision that same day. Call 7-6000 for more information.
Tuesday 12
On-The-Spot Admissions 9am – 6pm (last appointment @ 5:30) Make an appointments with an admissions counselor to have student credentials reviewed and receive an admissions decision that same day. Call 7-6000 for more information.
Free Tuesday Cruise on board the M/V Hurricane 12 noon – 1:15 p.m., Fox-Point dock. Learn about the sites and sounds of the Boston Harbor Islands while getting to know your fellow students and/or co-workers. Call 7-5404 for more information.
Wednesday 13
On-The-Spot Admissions 9am – 6pm (last appointment @ 5:30) Make an appointments with an admissions counselor to have student credentials reviewed and receive an admissions decision that same day. Call 7-6000 for more information.
Thursday 14
On-The-Spot Admissions 9am – 6pm (last appointment @ 5:30) Make an appointments with an admissions counselor to have student credentials reviewed and receive an admissions decision that same day. Call 7-6000 for more information.
Tuesday 15
Free Tuesday Cruise on board the M/V Hurricane 12 noon – 1:15 p.m., Fox-Point dock. Learn about the sites and sounds of the Boston Harbor Islands while getting to know your fellow students and/or co-workers. Call 7-5404 for more information.
Sunday 17
Joiner Center’s 14th Annual Writers WorkshopJune 17th-29th,UMass Boston. This two-week writers’ workshop offers classes in poetry,fiction and non-fiction to the participants. In addition to the classes, there are a number of panels, seminars and special workshop classes given by member of the visiting faculty. Faculty readings are held off-campus and usually in the evening. These are free and open to the general public. For more information, call 617-287-5850