Kristina Carrara
Zancunian lizard on tree.
Part Four of Four
After our exhausting return trip from Boruca, we arrived in Zancudo sweaty and tired. First priority upon returning was to buy a beer at the local bar and watch the sunset on the beach.
Nathan and I discussed our feelings on Boruca and how absolutely remote the entire place was. We laughed at how low our tolerance was for anything too unfamiliar, especially the huge creepy crawlers we slept with all night.
I was sentimental about having to leave Costa Rica in only two days and racked my soul wondering what I needed to do and experience before leaving this paradise. I began taking pictures of everything, to give eternity to the astounding visions I had seen throughout the past week.
Nathan had planned to stay in Costa Rica for two more weeks and naturally I was jealous. However, being a student smack in the middle of the fall semester, I was thankful for every minute I was granted to indulge in over there. To be in this foreign country showered me with a cultural awakening that I had never known before. To be in the bull’s eye of a country surrounded by wildlife is sensual, the real thing. Television could never produce the breezes I felt and the warm saltwater I dipped into, or the ethnic food I tasted.
When my morning of departure beckoned me Nathan and I rode a water taxi to the landing strip. The propjet was over an hour late. Once it finally arrived I boarded and concentrated on catching my connection flight out of San Jose. After some tourist fees and luggage check-in, I was off to Boston, already reminiscing what I just left.
Ten hours later I was in the arctic crust of Boston and going through yet again another culture shock. Coming from a slow paced world to a fast paced machine of a city, I developed a sort of depression. One recommendation, never take a vacation during the middle of a semester because when you return all of your relaxation erases and there’s too much to do.
When Nathan made it to the Internet café in Zancudo, he e-mailed me and reported to have seen hostile spider monkeys, a variety of snakes, iguanas, and well-equipped insects on a rainforest hike.
Costa Rica opened a gateway for me to travel, knowing that I can withstand enough to go almost anywhere. Zancudo’s serenity will always be instilled in my daydreams, night dreams, fantasies, and memories.