CPCS (The College of Public and Community Service) has always boasted that its greatest asset is its students, and the students entering the College this semester prove us right, once again. On January 29, CPCS officially welcomed the entering students for the Spring 2002 semester.
The new students range in age from 18 to 70. They are a diverse and culturally rich group, representing the racial, ethnic and social communities which make up the vitality of metropolitan Boston. They bring with them a wealth of experiences and a clear enthusiasm for the educational experience they are embarking on.
At orientations, held the week of January 21, the new students were asked what brought them to CPCS. The students had a variety of responses, but a common theme was their strong desire for an education that will help them make a difference in ways that are important to them.
Several expressed an interest in running for public office, following in the footsteps of a number of CPCS graduates like Joe Kennedy, Mayor Tom Menino, Senator Steven Tolman, and others. Others are interested in, and engaged in community development and organizing, and have come to CPCS to build on their experiences in this country and internationally. Several are pursuing advocacy – thinking of law school down the road, but also wanting preparation now that prepares them to advocate for services and rights for women, children, victims of domestic violence, youth, etc. Some have been active in the labor movement, and are at CPCS because it offers one of the few undergraduate degree programs in labor studies in the country. Some of the new students work in the criminal justice system; others in the courts, and said they were attracted to the CPCS curriculum that includes both theory and practice components in its majors. It was encouraging to hear that several of the new students said they were attracted to CPCS because they had heard about our the new CPCS programs in Community Media and Technology and Youth Work – programs not easy to find at other colleges.
At a reception to welcome the new students on January 29, the students were asked to write something about themselves and why they’re here that could be displayed, along with pictures of the group to help the CPCS community get to know them better. Here’s a sample of what they said;
I’m here because:
* “I am working to promote and increase the voice and capacity of young people and families of color.”
* “I remember watching UMass being built when I was a little girl and saying – I’m going there someday – and here I am!”
* “After twenty years of marriage and four children, it’s my time and here I am at school!”
* “UMass Boston’s diverse campus enables you to interact with people from all around the world.”
* “I want my kids to know the value of an education.”
* “I’m an Army vet majoring in Human Services and I want to make a difference in the lives of people and help the homeless.”
As always, the entering students are inspiring for their energy and their commitment. They seem to be getting acclimated quickly to UMass Boston, too. Among the things they said they don’t like – parking fees!