Thursday, October 17
ITC Professional Development Course: Technology-Enhanced Classroom Teaching: Prometheus1 -3 p.m. Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (ICW-01A), call 617-287-3990 or email
Critical Challenges in Distance EducationSponsored by ITC and Corporate, Continuing, and Distance Education. ADA issues and requirements. 2:30-4pm, Instructional Technology Center, LL of Healey Library. Program examines basic information on adaptive technologies, legal requirements, course design, and accessibility.
Theatre Production: Don Nigro’s Cinderella WaltzAll performances start at 8:00pm and run through Thursday, Friday, and Saturday until October 26. For more info, email or call (617) 287-5645
Athletics Activities for Faculty & Staff: Aqua Aerobics5:30 -6:30 p.m., Clark Pool. Feel free to bring a fellow co-worker. We also offer open time in table tennis, racquetball and badminton. Call Rick in the intramural/Recreation Office for more details, at 617-287-7830.
Holiday Decorating Program6:30 p.m., Wheatley, Snowden Auditorium. Featuring Robin Wager of StockbridgeSchool /UMass Amherst. Robin will demonstrate the technique & materials needed to create Wreaths- Topiary Trees-Door Ornaments- Mantle Decorations & new Christmas Tree Decorating Tips. Cost is $20.00, reservations required (Mastercard /Visa accepted). For more information, call Judy Swanson at 617-268-9670 or email All items to be auctioned at end of program. All proceeds to benefit the programs of Laboure Center. Presented by the Laboure Center Christmas House Tour Committee. Catholic Charities is building a just and compassionate society rooted in the dignity of all people.
Friday, October 18
Dissertation Defense: Analysis of gambling as a Programmatic Option in Senior CentersJenniger Higgins will be defending her thesis at 11am in the CPCS Conference Room on the fourth floor of Wheatley Hall, Rm. 147-02.
Coaching Clinic11:0am – noon, Have you heard about Personal and/ or Life Coaching? Are you curious about how Coaching may benefit you? Attend this one hour session which will introduce you to some basic coaching strategies. For more information call – 287-5680. Individual consultation is also available.The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
Saturday, October 19
Golden Key’s Trick-or-Can EventIn our efforts to address homelessness and hunger, Golden Key InternationalHonour Society is organizing a canned food drive in a Newton neighborhood.Flyers will be posted, encouraging people to leave canned goods and othernon-perishable items on their porches. On, at noonanyone who would like to participate can help us collect the goodies.Please contact Esther at for further information.
New PeopleSoft Admissions Web Application goes LiveThe web application for the People Soft admissions module will be available for prospective students to use. For more information, call 617-287-6106 or email
Sunday, October 20
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal7:00 p.m. Listen to interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials, examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. For more information, call 617-287-6900. Monday, October 21
ITC Professional Development Course: No Static: Creating a Dynamic E-Learning Space in Prometheus Part II1 – 4:30 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (OCW-06B), call 617-287-3990 or email
Athletics Activities for Faculty & Staff: Aqua Aerobics5:30 -6:30 p.m., Clark Pool. Feel free to bring a fellow co-worker. We also offer open time in table tennis, racquetball and badminton. Call Rick in the intramural/Recreation Office for more details, at 617-287-7830.
Folk on Film: Down from the Mountain9 p.m., Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard Street, Brookline. A Folk Radio 20th anniversary celebration event, presented by WUMB 91.9 FM. Tickets are $10 for all seats. For more information, call 617-734-2500.
Adult Children of Alcoholics: How Do You Know if You are One?1:00-2:00pm, Growing up effected by alcohol abuse can have long a lasting impact on ones life, ones relationships , expectations, emotions and behaviors. This one hour workshop will describe some of the common emotional experiences of Adult Children – and will suggest resources for assistance. For more information please contact Donna Stonis at 287-5648. The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
What Every Woman Should Know About Alcohol and DrugsStart Time: 2:30-3:30pm, alcohol and other drugs effect women and men differently. The same “rules” that apply to men may not apply to women. This one hour workshop will provide an overview of some of those differences – and will suggest resources and support for women who may be concerned about their own AOD use, or the the AOD use of someone else. The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
Tuesday 22
ITC Professional Development Course: Prometheus Camp1 – 2 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (IFS-10A), call 617-287-3990 or email
ITC Professional Development Course: Getting Started in Digital Photography1 -2 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (MSP-01), call 617-287-3990 or email
Tables in McCormack for Class Rings for the Class of 2002Through October 23, 10:00-2:00pm on the second floor of McCormack Building. Choose the design and setting you want.
Chemistry Seminar: Recent developments in organolithium chemistry4:30 p.m., Science Building, 1st floor, room 089. Featuring Dr. F. W. Bailey, University of Connecticut. For more information, visit
Speak out against domestic violenceUM B Women’s Center from 2:30-5pm there will be volunteers discussing their experiences or that of their family and friends. There will be films shown and host speakers from the Clothesline project. Call (6170 287-7986 or email
The Challenges of Being an Asian American Student12:30-1:30pm. A conversation hour to talk about challenges of being an Asian American student (e.g. generational gap between you and your parents, relationship issues, and assumptions made about Asian American students) in a supportive environment. The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
Wednesday 23
ITC Professional Development Course: No Static: Creating a Dynamic E-Learning Space in Prometheus Part I9 a.m. -12:30 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (OCW-05C), call 617-287-3990 or email
ITC Professional Development Course: Introduction to Powerpoint1 -3 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (MSP-01), call 617-287-3990 or email
CPCS Memorial for James Williams2:30 p.m., CPCS plaza. Friends and associates are invited to participate and remember James and his contributions to the University, and celebrate his life. James Williams graduated from CPCS with a BA in Human Services and, at the time of his death, was enrolled in a Masters Program in the UMB Graduate College of Education. He has been employed by the University since 1991, most recently serving as Coordinator of Advising at CPCS. For more information contact Suzanne Allmendinger at 617-287-7124
Undergraduate Student Senate Meeting2:30 – 4:30 p.m., Wheatley, 4th floor, Student Lounge. For more information, call 617-287-7942.
ECOS seminar: “Patterns in Seismic Activity along the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (15-35N) Recorded by an Autonomous Hydrophone Array”2:30-3:45, Science Building, Small Science Auditorium, 1st floor, room 006. Featuring Dr. Deborah K. Smith Senior Scientist, Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute.
UMass Boston Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal5-7:30, Wheatley Hall, Snowden Auditorium. Open to all members of the UMass Boston community. For more information, please call Jon C. Mitchell, conductor, 617-287-6981.
Calculating Risk – A WorkshopAll Day Event. Have you ever been concerned about your use of alcohol? Would you like some specific feedback about risk factors for alcohol problems, and advise about how to minimize your individual risk? This 1 hour workshop will provide you with knowledge you can use to assess your relationship with alcohol – and will provide you with resources for assistance. For more information contact Linda Jorgensen at 287-5680 or email The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
Alcohol and Other Drug Peer Leader Information Session1:15pmThe Alcohol and Other Drug Peer Leader Training Program is a 3 session training. Students who complete the training will receive a Certificate of Achievement. For more information please contact Donna Stonis at 287-5648. The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
Thursday, October 24
The Beyond Recovery Program1:30-2:30pm. The Beyond Recovery Program is a coaching program designed for individuals who consider themselves to be in recovery – from alcohol/drug/food or other compulsive addictions. This 1 hour workshop will include a Power Point presentation of the Beyond Recovery Program, as well as information about coaching resources which may support individual recovery. This is not a 12-step program. For more information please contact The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
Coffee House of Praise – an Open Mic and an Open FloorSpeak a word, sing a word, or dance a word of faith. 4:00-6:00pm. Refreshments served, all welcome. Interfaith Chapel, McCormack Hall, third floor. Sponsored b the Protestant Campus Faith Ministry. RSVP to Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton at (617) 287-5838 or
ITC Professional Development Course: Universal Design Concepts10 -11 a.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (IFS-12), call 617-287-3990 or email
Athletics Activities for Faculty & Staff: Aqua Aerobics5:30 -6:30 p.m., Clark Pool. Feel free to bring a fellow co-worker. We also offer open time in table tennis, racquetball and badminton. Call Rick in the intramural/Recreation Office for more details, at 617-287-7830.
William Joiner Center for the Study of War & Social Consequences 20th Anniversary Celebration6 – 8 p.m., John F. Kennedy Library, Columbia Point. Featuring Keynote Speaker Senator John F. Kerry. By invitation only. For more information, call 617-287-5850.
College of Management Senior Executive Forum 6-7:30 p.m., Administration, 3rd floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room. John Hamill, Chairman & CEO, Sovereign Bank New England Division. For more information, call 617-287-7734.
Conflict Studies: The New Generation of Ideas, Conflict Studies Conference Various on-campus locations. This conference, held October 24-26, is sponsored by the Graduate Programs in Dispute Resolution at CPCS. Features of this year’s conference include Keynote Address by Robert Mnookin of Harvard Law School, a Career Expo, skill-building workshops, and panel discussions chaired by prominent scholars in the field. For more information, please contact Amy Gay at 617-287-7415 or Kelly Ward Mason at 617-287-7421.
Saturday, October 26
University Open House9 a.m. -1 p.m., Science Building, Lipke Auditorium. Event exhibits and presentations will be held throughout Science and McCormack buildings. Learn about UMass Boston’s undergraduate, graduate and continuing education programs, ask questions about the university, get a tour, etc. For more information, call 617-287-6000. To register on-line, visit:
Greenhouse Open House9 a.m. -1 p.m., Science Building, 4th floor, greenhouse. The Biology department greenhouses will be having a public open house. The greenhouse which is normally closed on weekends welcomes all visitors! For more information, call 617-287-6580 or email
Interfaith Outreach Center Inc.Walk for the Homeless, 10:00am392 Waverly Street, Suite 2, Framingham, MA 01701. (508) 626-0476, (508) 626-05631-800-647-5517. Email: Website:
Sunday, October 27
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal7:00 p.m. Listen to interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials, examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. For more information, call 617-287-6900.
Monday, October 28
Student Luncheon with Chancellor Gora12:30 – 1:30 p.m. If you wish to attend, please call Student Affairs at 617-287-5800. Reservations required.
ITC Professional Development Course: Universal Design Concepts1 – 2 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (IFS-12A), call 617-287-3990or email
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Soccer2 p.m., soccer field, vs. Maine Maritime Academy. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Hispanic Studies: A Talk with Carmen Oliveira2:30 – 3:45 p.m., Wheatley, 6th floor, room 047. Carmen Oliveira, Brazilian biographer of the American poet Elizabeth Bishop, will discuss her new book, Rare and Commonplace Flowers. Co-sponsored by Hispanic Studies and English Departments. For more information, call 617-287-6719 or email
Athletics Activities for Faculty & Staff: Aqua Aerobics5:30 -6:30 p.m., Clark Pool. Feel free to bring a fellow co-worker. We also offer open time in table tennis, racquetball and badminton. Call Rick in the intramural/Recreation Office for more details, at 617-287-7830.
Folk on Film: A Skin too Few in the Days of Nick Drake9 p.m., Coolidge Corner Theatre, 290 Harvard Street, Brookline. A Folk Radio 20th anniversary celebration event, presented by WUMB 91.9 FM. Tickets are $10 for all seats. For more information, call 617-734-2500.
The Challenges of Being an Asian American Student12:30-1:30pm. A conversation hour to talk about challenges of being an Asian American student (e.g. generational gap between you and your parents, relationship issues, and assumptions made about Asian American students)in a supportive environment. The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
12 Keys to Setting a Great Goal1:00-2:00pm. Join us for this 1 hour workshop that will give you a new tool for setting great goals for yourself. For more information contact Linda Jorgensen at 287-5680. The University of Massachusetts Wellness Center McCormack/1/613 617-287-5680
Tuesday, October 29
Bessie Dendrinos, Jim Crawford, and Jim Cummins will speak on “U.S English Only and Racism: Rolling Back Democracy.” 7:00pm, Media Lab, Healey Library. Sponsored by College of Public and Community Services and Graduate Program of Applied Linguistics.
Engineering 103 Competitions8:30 – 9:45 a.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Ryan Lounge. Eleven teams of students will compete in their second project f
r Fall 2002. For more information, call 617-287-6435 or email
ITC Professional Development Course: Restoring Damaged Photographs in Photoshop1 -3 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (APS-02A), call 617-287-3990 or email
Beacons Athletics: Men’s Soccer2:30 p.m., soccer field, vs. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For more information, call UMB Athletics at 617-287-7801.
Public Speaking Workshop for Students3 – 5 p.m., McCormack, 5th floor, room 211. All students are invited to join the members of Delta Sigma Pi and the Accounting & Finance Academy for an informal workshop that will help you develop public speaking skills which are necessary for academic and career success. For more information, call 617-448-4505 or email
Wednesday, October 30
ITC Professional Development Course: No Static: Creating a Dynamic E-Learning Space in Prometheus Part II9 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (OCW-06C), call or email
Human Services Career Fair2-5 p.m., location TBA. This is an industry-specific event designed to bring together the top organizations in Human Services and the future leaders in the industry from UMass Boston. Sponsored by Career Services. For more information, call 617-287-5519 or e-mail
ITC Professional Development Course: Intermediate Powerpoint1 -3 p.m., Healey, lower level, Instructional Technology Center. To register for this course (MSP-02), call 617-287-3990 or email
ECOS seminar: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Stress Responses in Arabidopsis thaliana, a Molecular Dissection”2:30-3:45, Science Building, Small Science Auditorium, 1st floor, room 006. Featuring Dr. Adan Colon-Carmona, Asst. Prof., Department of Biology, UMB.”
UMass Boston Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal5-7:30, Wheatley Hall, Snowden Auditorium. Open to all members of the UMass Boston community. For more information, please call Jon C. Mitchell, conductor, 617-287-6981.
Thursday, October 31
Banshee Halloween Party Costume Prizes, Bruins and Celtics Ticket Giveaways, Cash Prizes, starts 8:00pm, 934 Dorchester Avenue (617) 436-9747
Engineering 103 Competitions8:30 – 9:45 a.m., McCormack, 3rd floor, Ryan Lounge. Second day of competition for the second Engin 103 project for Fall 2002. For more information, call 617-287-6435 or email
Athletics Activities for Faculty & Staff: Aqua Aerobics5:30 -6:30 p.m., Clark Pool. Feel free to bring a fellow co-worker. We also offer open time in table tennis, racquetball and badminton. Call Rick in the intramural/Recreation Office for more details, at 617-287-7830.
Mass Media Halloween PartyCome to the second annual Halloween party sponsored by the Mass Media. Located at The Emerald Isle, 1501 Dorchester Avenue, near Fields Corner, starting at 8:00pm.
Thursday November 7The Irish band the Wolftones at the Banshee, 934 Dorchester Avenue (617) 436-9747. Tickets cost $20