On Thursday September 12,family members and about 300 other citizens held a rally in Uphams Corner to voice their anger over the shooting death of a twenty five year old mother Eveline Barros-Cepeda by a Boston Police Officer. Barros-Cepeda was in the back seat of a moving vehicle that allegedly struck Officer Michael Paillant on Dunkeld Street, prompting Paillant’s partner Thomas Taylor to open fire. The incident has raised more concerns over the use of deadly force by the Boston Police. Commissioner Paul Evans’s outline for restrictions of weapon use has drew fire from the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association.
On Friday, August 23 the Corcoran Jennison summer youth intern program hosted a lunch at the Harbor Point Apartments Clubhouse in Dorchester. Channel 7 news anchor Sean Hennessey spoke at the gathering. Every summer, the Corcoran Jennison program recruits interns from several local youth centers in the Dorchester area: Colonel Daniel Marr Boys and Girls Club, The Little House, and Walter Denney Youth Center. Now in its sixth year, the program places interns at various local businesses that help build valuable job skills.
The Dorchester Open Studios 2002 will take place the weekend of October 26 and 27, 2002. The event will be launched with a gala reception to which all artists and the public are invited at the Great Hall Friday evening, October 25th. This year marks the first time that studios Dorchester-wide have participated in the Boston Open Studios Coalition, whose Open Studios 2002 starts in September and runs ten weekends to the first weekend in December. For a schedule of all the Coalition’s open studios, go to the Boston Open Studios Coalition website, www.cityofboston.gov/arts. Artists participating in the Dorchester Open Studios 2002 have the opportunity to show their work to a wide variety of people familiar with the highly publicized city-wide showcase of Boston artists in established art enclaves like Fort Point Channel, the South End, Jamaica Plain, etc. For many years the artists at Pearl Street Studios have represented all Dorchester artists.
The Dor. Arts Collaborative is planning the first neighborhood-wide Dorchester Open Studios on Oct. 25 & 26. It is seeking artists, supporters, and volunteers… The DAC is seeking those who were board members of the DAC in the late 70’s/early 80’s. Call 617-282-2510… For further info on the DAC, call Roseanne @617-822-8205. Further info may also be obtained on the website: info@dorchester artists.org