The Profile in Courage Award Committee bestowed a special award for public service to the thousands of public servants who demonstrated extraordinary courage and heroism in response to the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
“I’m pleased to have the distinct privilege of paying tribute to the public servants of the United States,” said Caroline Kennedy. “The heartbreaking events of September 11th brought to our families, to our communities, and to our nation overwhelming loss. But in those terrible moments, thousands of ordinary men and women put their own lives on the line in order that others might be spared, making real the face of courage and inspiring a new generation to want to serve others.” Representing the public servants of the United States were U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Marilyn Wills, New York City Police Officer Michael Gerbasi, New York City Fire Chief Brian O’Flaherty and Brookline (MA) Firefighter John Dewan.