“The Boston Phoenix- Boston’s Alternative Source for Arts and Entertainment”
Daniel Pearl’s death Warning: This video is extremely graphic
Publisher Stephen M. Mindich reflects on the Daniel Pearl tape
“ProHosters – The Fastest Always Dominates”
As stated in current news reports we at Prohosters.com were contacted by officials from the FBI and told to remove a video created by Daniel Pearl’s executioners from one of our customer’s sites. We have decided to stand behind our customer, resist the intimidation tactics used by the FBI, and re-post the video.
“Ogrish.com: Can you handle life?”
It looks like the “big guys” give it another try to hide the Pearl Video from our eyes. My host Prohosters.com just told me they’d been contacted by the Dept of State who tried to intimidate us into believing we were aiding and abetting the terrorists by showing the truth about the Pearl video here on Ogrish.com and Prohosters.com/pearl. We have already notified ACLU about this.
2002-06-14 16:41:40 by:Masqueraded (ip:
I don’t believe this shit. If anything we’re showing the world who we’re up against and what these pricks do. Tell the Department of the State to go fuck themselves. If this vid does get taken down again it doesn’t matter, because they should know by now that the more you try and hide something (especially on the net) the more people will want it.
2002-06-14 17:07:54 by:PrivateJoker (ip:
Why stop an information flow that’s already broken the dam? Everyone’s seen it, heard of it.
“Association of Alternative Newsweeklies”
The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies (AAN) is the trade organization for the alternative newspaper business. AAN is a diverse group of 121 non-daily free-circulation papers that are distributed in all of the major metropolitan areas of North America. Each paper has a distinct, local identity that sets it apart from the mainstream press in its market.
Phoenix Media Critic Switches Position on Pearl Photo
Dan Kennedy, the Boston Phoenix’s media critic, originally opposed publication of the video and photo of Daniel Pearl’s grisly slaughter. Now that his paper has carried through with its vow to publish the images, Kennedy has changed his mind. “It’s important to see the Daniel Pearl video because it’s important to look into the face of the pure evil we’re up against,” Kennedy writes. “It’s important to see it because merely reading a description of it cannot do justice to its full horror.” [Posted June 13, 2002]
“The New Republic Online: Homepage”
The Face of Evil: Why you should watch the Daniel Pearl video.
There are two things about the Daniel Pearl video that are unforgettably shocking. The first, of course, is the sight of his murder. Even as he looks into the camera and utters the statements that his captors demand that he utter-a confession of his Jewishness, followed by a confession of the sins of America-there is a good, genial look in his eyes, and a complete lack of despair in his voice; and then suddenly he is on the floor and a knife is passed along his throat and his severed head is raised by a hand in a white sleeve, and your heart breaks for this obviously lovely life destroyed in some low, godless corner of a deranged world. These are the images that a website called prohosters.com decided to keep online despite FBI demands that they remove them and that The Boston Phoenix controversially chose to link to. The images are, to put it mildly, tasteless; but surely there are times when truth is more important than taste.
The Idler (www.the-idler.com)
“A Web Periodical”
Link to Videotape Footage of the Death of Daniel Pearl When we read of the controversy over Boston Phoenix link to the Daniel Pearl video, we were struck by publisher Stephen Mindich’s comment: “That our government and others throughout the world, who have had this tape for some time, have remained silent is nothing less than an act of shame.” Therefore, we have posted this link on our website, in the interest of the public’s right to know …
Agence France Presse
June 7, 2002
US newspaper in Boston publishes images of reporter Daniel Pearl’s murder
A weekly alternative newspaper published images of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl’s murder.
The Boston Phoenix, a weekly alternative newspaper founded 36 years ago in the northeast city of Boston, published photographs taken from a videotape made of the murder. The paper’s website included a link to the videotaped images of Pearl being murdered in Pakistan.
Only the CBS television network has so far broadcast clips of the video including the journalist’s last words, a forced statement that he was a Jew, but did not show particularly truculent images.
Financial Times Information
“Sunday Star Times”
New Zeland Website Offers Execution Link
Tony Potter
A GRUESOME and controversial videotape showing the beheading of American journalist Daniel Pearl is being easily accessed through a New Zealand media outlet’s website.
“We don’t often get into overseas stuff in our media section on the website, so we had a discussion about this and as we had run a lot of stories about this guy [Daniel Pearl] we decided to put the Boston Phoenix story on the website.”
Francis Till, who edits the NBR website, did not know how many “hits” the Pearl site had received but “nobody has sent me any negative reaction”.