Sculptor and Professor of Art at Bard College, William Tucker will be speaking today in the Harbor Art Gallery from 1:00 to 2:00pm. Tucker’s work can be seen around campus in various permanent and temporary installations: from his enormous works such as The Hero at Evening (located between McCormack and Wheatley) and The Gods (outside of the Science Building, below the catwalk) to his current exhibition of sketches in clay and drawings on paper in the fifth floor gallery of Healey Library. Tucker will be speaking in this semester’s second “Art/Talks,” which is sponsored by Arts on the Point. “Art/Talks” is an informal series of presentations that invite members of the UMB community to participate in an expanding discourse on contemporary art. Tucker will discuss his life as an artist, writer and critic, as well as his work, as it evolved from the 1960’s to the present. Tucker is an internationally recognized artist whose sculpture Maia (seen at right) is at the new Guggenheim in Bilboa, Spain.