Useful Universities
Eight area universities, including UMass Boston, are presenting a 102-page report based on a study entitled “Engines of Economic Growth,” in an effort to clarify the impact they have on the community. The universities involved in the study claim that, cumulatively, they put 7.4 billion dollars back into the local economy each year. This money, according to the universities, comes in the forms of employment, and graduates starting area businesses. One aim of the study is to justify the tax exemption universities currently enjoy.
Finalists for Dean Position Visiting
Students and faculty interested in meeting with and speaking to candidates for the position of Dean of the College of Liberal Arts may attend the campus visits of the four finalists. The candidates are Dr. James Herbert, Dr. Eve Walsh Stoddard, Dr. Mark Szuchman, and Dr. Theodore Kassier. Dr. Herbert’s meeting will take place March 28 in the Chancellor’s Conference Room, which is located on the third floor of the Administration Building; Dr. Stoddard’s meeting will be held in the Provost’s Conference Room, located on the 8th floor of the Healey Library on March 31. Dr. Szuchman’s meeting will be held on April 3, with the location to be announced; Dr. Kassier’s meeting will take place on April 4 in the Chancellor’s Conference Room. All meetings will take place from 2:30-3:45.
For the Love of Healey
The newly formed organization, the Friends of the Healey Library, will be holding a meeting on April 3 from 6 to 9pm. All are invited to attend the event, which will include an artistic program, live music, and refreshments, as well as tours led by the library staff which will highlight services currently in place and services the library will soon be offering. Attendants are asked to RSVP by March 25 by calling 627-287-5911, or e-mailing Kim Trauceniek at
Defending a Dissertation
A dissertation defense meeting is scheduled for Colleen O’Neill Dillon on April 14 at 10am. The title of the dissertation is Navigating Disrupted Transitions from Adolescence to Adulthood: Cumulative Adversity, Social Capital, & Psychosocial Outcomes. The defense will take place in the Psychology Graduate Lounge, located at M-4-272.
Supporting UMass Soldiers
The Office of Service Learning and Community Outreach and the Student Veteran’s Union would like to announce that on Saturday, March 29, form 9am to 1pm, the Neponset V.F.W. will be hosting a drive entitled Dorchester Support Our Soldiers (SOS). The V.F.W. will be a drop off point for anyone who would like to donate supplies to be mailed to soldiers, including 38 UMass Boston students. The V.F.W. is located at 362 Neponset Ave. Supplies needed by soldiers include sunscreen, baby wipes, shaving supplies, anti-bacterial soap, and donations to cover postage, magazines, as well as letters of support. For more information, contact Philip J. Carver at 617-282-4342, the UMass Boston Student Veteran’s Union at 617-287-7985, or the UMass Boston Office of Service Learning and Community Outreach at 617-287-7955. Alternative drop off locations include the Student Veteran’s Union, located at W-4-147, and the Dorchester Reporter, located at 150 Mt. Vernon St., Ste. 120.
Opportunity Knocking
CPCS students interested in applying for the West End Scholarship must submit applications to Sarah Bartlett, administrative dean, by March 26. Applications may be obtained from the office of student services, located in W-4-151.
In order to be eligible for this scholarship, a student must not currently receive a Pell Grant, be a minimum of 25 years of age, and have been enrolled in the higher education program for less than two years prior to enrollment in the CPCS program. Priority will be given to students who are parents.
The recipients of the West End Scholarship will be granted $4,500 toward their education. The scholarship will be presented on May 16, at the CPCS Awards Night Program.
Students with questions concerning the scholarship should contact Suzanne Allmendinger in the Community Connection at 617-287-7124.
Grad Certificate Opportunity
Students interested in the one-year graduate certificate program for Women in Politics and Public Policy will have the opportunity to attend informational open houses. The one-year program, which is full-time and holds two evening classes per two nights a week, is ideal for women interested in a career in politics, public service and/or policy making. Students interested in attending an open house should call 617-287-6785 for more information.