Monday, April 14
10:31am- Person was found in stairwell 10 of McCormack Hall. EMS came and took them to Mass General Hospital.
5:32pm- Female student had a seizure in Wheatley Hall, and transported to Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Tuesday, April 15
11:15am- Person was reportedly exposing himself in the Healey Library, apparently unaware that Spring Break was over four weeks ago.
12:21pm- Party called to report a loud verbal argument in McCormack Hall, with the concern it might turn physical.
2:02pm- A car accident occurred by University Drive North. The two parties exchanged papers and went on their way.
7:47pm- Fire was reported in the Science Center first floor men’s room. Boston Fire Department and the Arson Squad responded, but it’s unknown at this point whether the fire could be linked to the recent rash of men’s room fires plaguing the campus, or the work of overzealous chemistry students.
10:17pm- Several hours later, again in the Science Center, a 9-1-1 call came in to report someone stuck in one of the elevators. Facilities responded and got her out.
Wednesday, April 16
8:27am- Alarm call in Wheatley Hall, the result of someone putting in the wrong alarm code.
8:55am- Person reported an MP3 player stolen from their bag in Wheatley. Unconfirmed witnesses say they saw Chancellor Gora rocking out to Moldy Peaches with a brand new MP3 player sometime later that day.
11:27am- Sneakers were reported stolen from their locker in the Clark Center. Sneakers were spotted freely running on their own during the Boston Marathon. Magic sneakers!
3:46pm- Someone was reportedly making threats against another individual in Wheatley.
Friday, April 18
2:29pm- Car vs. car hit-and-run accident occurred in McCormack’s garage, while the car was parked there.
10:47pm- A cell phone was reported stolen in Wheatley.