Dinner to Be Eaten
A faculty appreciation dinner will be held on May 5 at 5:30pm in the Ryan Lounge. Faculty interested in reserving a place should contact the Dean Lopes-Ellison at 617-287-5800.
Conference about the War
On Saturday, May 3 a conference entitled “War on Terrorism or Assault on Human Rights? Civil Liberties, Homeland Security and Democracy in the Post 9/11 World” will be held. The conference will take place in the Ryan Lounge, on the third floor of the McCormack Building from 9am to 7pm.
The event is being sponsored by the UMass Boston Human Rights Working Group and the College of Public and Community Service. The conference, which is free and open to the public, will include Chuck Turner, Nancy Chang, and Michael Avery, among others.
Those interested in attending should visit www.umb.edu/humanrights for more information.
Caffeine Benders at Finals
A study by the Princeton Review revealed that during finals week, most students still tend to rely on caffeinated beverages, such as coffee and tea, to pull through the experience. According to the study, students lose an average of three hours of sleep per night during finals, thus the consequent need for something to help them stay awake.
Other interesting facts revealed by the study are what students snack on when they study (typically chocolate and chips), and that most students still prefer to participate in study groups as a means of final exam preparation. Also included in the study were techniques used by students to prepare for the actual exam, such as bringing items for good luck, praying, and the old-fashioned being stocked up on pens and pencils.
For more information, visit www.princetonreview.com.