Cash for Used Bicycles(617) 515-4822
Help Wanted
Historic Neighborhoods, a non-profit educational organization, seeks tour guides for spring tours of Boston/Beacon Hill for elementary school-age children. April through June. Stipend available. Will provide necessary training.
Participants Wanted for Research Study – Do you have Bipolar illness? – Are you between the ages of 18 and 54? – Do you take lithium to help with your Bipolar illness?If you answered yes to the above questions, you may qualify for a neuoimaging study being conducted at the Boston Medical Center and McLean Hospital. Participants will be compensated for their time.Please Call (617) 638-8046
MAKE MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIMEEarn up to $50.00 an hour by signing up people for Boston Telecom’s “One Rate Plan” for local telephone service. Up to $25.00 per activated person. No credit check, everyone is eligible for activation! Work your own hours: before or after class, weekends, breaks and vacations. Call 781-593-3900 Ext.122 or e-mail us to [email protected].
Instructors needed to teach exciting science programs to kids.Must have car and kid experience. Training provided, p/t, $15-$25 per one hour program. Call Mad Science at (617) 484-6006
Egg Donors Needed, non-smokers.Donors Ages 21-32. Generous compensation paid. For more information contact Robert Nichols. Esq. (781) 769-6900.
The Bostonian Society, a non-profit historical society, is looking for part-time employees to work in our Quincy Market Museum Gift Shop. Hours will include days, nights and weekends. Some retail experience and knowledge of Boston History a plus. Please call Allison Keaney @ 617-720-1713 ex.18Sigma Alpha Lambda, a national leadership and honors organization is seeking motivated & committed students to begin a chapter on campus. 3.0 GPA [email protected]
Bartender Trainees Needed$250 a day potentialLocal Positions1-800-293-3985 ext. 288
IQ Test – The Hubbard Dianetics Foundation of Boson offers for a limited time, FREE intelligence and personality tests. YOUR IQ, PERSONALITY AND APPTITUDE DETERMINE YOUR FUTURE. Know them. No obligation. Come to 448 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02115 or Call 266-7782 today for more information.
SMILE!Babysit for children in their own homes. Earn $10-15?. If you have childcare experience, want flexibility, and have a contagious smile, call Joy 617-739-KIDSParents in a Pinch,
*Fraternities*Sororities**Sports Teams * Clubs * *Student Groups*Earn $1,000-$2,000 this semester with a proven CampusFundraiser 3 hour fundraising event. Our programs make fundraising easy with no risks. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so get with the program! It works. Contact CampusFundraiser at (888) 923-3238, or visit
Quincy – Male grad student with disability seeks roommate to assist with housekeeping/meals. Free rent for 15 hrs/week. Luxury apartment, private room, MBTA and more. Short/long term. (617) 471-2686
4 bedroom apartment, 5 minute walk to UMB/T, Water & City Views Available immediately $1,950.00/month Call John Kupris @ 617-818-7284
East BridgewaterRoom for rent – clean room near train station quiet – heat/cable included – $500508-378-3050