Over forty students, many of them ready to graduate in the coming weeks, were honored and praised by faculty and administrators as leaders in the UMass Boston community at the 11th Annual Student Leadership Awards.
Interim Dean Angeline Lopes Ellison, who opened the ceremony, called those in the room the “future of the Commonwealth.”
Chancellor Jo Ann Gora thanked the students for their commitment to UMB, and the faculty for nominating the students.
“Ever since I joined UMass Boston, I’ve been talking about the importance of community, and also been thinking a lot about what is community, what do we mean by that, how do you establish a sense of community on a large, public, urban, commuter campus,” said Gora, explaining it as reaching out to others.
“Sometimes it’s just like smiling at the people that we see as we walk down the catwalk, sometimes it’s just like saying hello to the people getting on the elevator… sometimes it’s actually more complex than that,” she said, proceeding to catalogue many examples. “Sometimes it’s being a tutor for either Dorchester Public High School, or first year seminars, or CPCS… Sometimes we demonstrate community by editing a journal, like our literary journal, The Watermark, or the graduate sociology journal. Sometimes we demonstrate our commitment to community by starting a club…”
Each student walked up the aisle to receive a certificate from Director of Student Life Joyce Morgan, and posed for a photograph with Chancellor Gora, while Interim Dean Lopes Ellison read off their numerous accomplishments.
Heather Dawood, UMass Boston’s student trustee and one-time president of the Student Senate, received an award, as did Diane Costagliola for her work co-editing of The Watermark. Both were nominated by Duncan Nelson, an associate professor of English. Ozgur Ozer, the manager of the student-run Wit’s End Cafe in Wheatley Hall; Catherine Moroski, president of the Environmental Club; Patrick Merrill, a mentor in a first year seminar; Ivana Djuretic, who worked in the Upward Bound program; and Shino Ito, who worked to represent the international student, were among those who stepped up for a Leadership Award.
Dana Marek, a “unique student athlete” who plays hockey for UMB and has been featured on ESPN and the Today Show, was one of the few to get an Award of Distinction. Marek was nominated by Pam Samuelson, assistant director of athletics.
Janine Armstrong, called “my personal ambassador” by University Chaplain Margaret Cahill, was also nominated for an Award of Distinction, as was Caroline Coscia, president of Graduate Student Assembly, the university’s Strategic Planning Committee, and part of the Beacon Leadership project.
Four students were recognized for their induction into the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Among them: Salley Burkhart, Jack Cole, Andreen Gilpin, and E. Lee Rosenthal. The Golden Key International Honour Society was the first to receive the first annual Office of the Dean of Student’s Award for Community Service, with Delta Sigma Pi, the Environmental Club, UMass Nation, Men’s Basketball Team, and Women’s Hockey Team among those receiving honorable mention.
The early evening’s festivities, held on the eleventh floor of the Healey Library, were rounded out by music provided by the UMB Jazz Band, and a rousing celebratory poem, “Ode to Student Leaders,” by Duncan Nelson, who read from atop a chair, his boisterous voice booming across the room, and the poem’s verses sending many into fits of laughter.
2003 Leadership Honorees:
Karen AgardJanine Armstrong*Barbara BallSalley Burkart*#Jack Cole#Caroline Coscia*Diane CostagliolaHeather DawoodJoseph DeVivoIvana DjureticChristine GagliardiAndreen Gilpin#John HuthGlenn HoffmanShino ItoDerek KellerTodd KirraneSandeep Kishnani*Dana Marek*Carlos Maynard*Martin McIssacBonnie McManusAlicia McSweeneyPatrick MerrillCatherine MoroskiShannon NelsonRichard NjoguJennifer “Ginn” NorrisOlufunmilayo OgunbodedeOmafolakunmi OgunlesiOzgur OzerE. Lee Rosenthal#Laura SalibaShiho ShinkeEsther Smith*Sindhura SunkaraVelina TarpovaKelly TobinKim TrauceniekMorgan TuranoKurt van VlotenGeraldine WhiteLuanne WitkowskiHui PikVanessa WongRiche Zamor
*Awards of Distinction# Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges