Budget Cuts
Governor Mitt Romney cut state spending last week by $343 million in an effort to gain control over the $650 million deficit in the state budget. Unfortunately for state colleges, $2.6 million comes from their budget. The UMass Amherst campus is to bear the brunt of the budget reduction, being the recipient of half of the $2.6 million decrease.
Chancellor John V. Lombardi has taken immediate steps, such as implementing a temporary hiring freeze. However, because the budget cut occurred so late in the year, Lombardi and his committee are scrambling to determine what items in the budget can simply be deferred, and what can be completely eradicated. Chancellor Lombardi assures students that any cuts will not affect the level of quality in education experienced by UMass students.
Public Event
On Thursday, February 13, there will be a presentation of the National Report on “Racial and Ethnic Tensions: What should we do?” The presentation affords the public the opportunity to discover how individuals around the country feel about the issue. The video, “A Public Voice” will be presented, followed by a discussion led by the research report authors, Doble Research Associates, Inc. The event will be held in the Quinn Building, 3rd floor, Chancellor’s Conference Room, from 3:30-5:30pm, and is open to the public.
Searching for a Vice Chancellor
A committee is being formed to begin the process of hiring a new vice chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life at the campus of UMass Amherst. The committee is currently headed by Cleve Willis, dean of the College of Natural Resources and the Environment. Jo-Anne Vanin, acting vice chancellor for Student Affairs and Campus Life is not a candidate for the position; instead, she will return to her previous position as dean of students once a vice chancellor has been hired.
Mr. Willis has stated that he advocates candidates meeting with actual students. The committee will begin the process of screening applications March 15, and hopes to eventually have four of the most promising candidates visit the campus by May 14.
Community Service Opportunity
On Wednesday, February 19, the Office of Service Learning and Community Outreach will be holding “Beyond our Backyard: A Community Orientation at UMB.” The purpose of the event is for attendants to hear various students, staff, faculty, and community members, and relate the experiences concerning community services, as well as community service opportunities. Among topics to be discussed are: environment, youth development, homelessness, and hunger. The event will take place in the Ryan Lounge, McCormack Building, 3rd floor from 2:30-4pm, and is sponsored by the national Raise Your Voice Campaign. For more information, please call 617-287-7955.
Graduate Certificate Opportunity for Women
An open house is being held Tuesday, February 25, in the Student Lounge, Wheatley Hall, fourth floor, for women interested in pursuing a one-year, 18 credit graduate certificate. The graduate certificate is part of an evening program sponsored by the Program for Women in Politics and Public. Students interested in attaining this certificate should attend the open house, or call 617-287-6785 for more information.