Thursday, November 20
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Wheatley Hall, 3rd Floor, Cafeteria. Look for more details at Student Life, Interfaith Campus Ministry and International Student Services. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry-Burton at 617-287-5838.
The Great American Smokeout 10am-3pm, McCormack Hall, 2nd Floor. Information about smoking and smoking cessation – support, resources and assistance. For details, please see our web site: For more information, call Linda Jorgensen at 617-287-5680.
ART/TALKS; Ann Torke; An Interdisciplinary Perspective 1-2pm, McCormack Hall, 1st Floor, Harbor Gallery. Ann Torke, Assistant Professor of Art at UMB, will talk about what it means to be an interdisciplinary artist by showing examples of her work which include sculpture, installation, and video excerpts, as well as samplings from her community based projects. A sculpture major at University of California, San Diego, where she received her MFA, and a professor of video production at UMB, she considers the making of art to be a practice which combines both teaching and community involvement. For more information, call Wendy Baring-Gould at 617-287- 5347.
Multiculural Harvest Festival 3-5pm, Wheatley Hall, 3rd Floor, Cafeteria. Wanted: Poets, Singers, Dancers and Musicians for 5 minute-spots. Free Raffle Prizes! Vouchers required – available at the Student Life Office. Students may sign up and receive a maximum of two vouchers with a student ID. 300 Vouchers available beginning 11/17- 1st come 1st serve. For more information, call 617-287-5835.
GSA Meeting 4-5:30pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Lounge. For more information, call Cathy Greene at 617-287-7975 or email [email protected].
Friday, November 21
Power Box Fitness Class 12:30-1:30pm, Beacon Fitness Center. Aerobics class in a boxing style. Any Beacon Fitness member may attend this class. For more information, call Chris Fitzgerald at 617-287-6788.
Biology Seminar 2:30-3:30pm, Science Center, 1st Floor, Room 006. Dr. Eugene Gallagher from the ECOS Department at UMass Boston will be presenting “Interpreting Change in Boston Harbor’s Benthic Community Structure from 1991-2002: Hubbel’s Neutral Model vs. Pearson & Rosenberg.” For more information, call Diana Ruddy at 617-287-6600.
Chamber Orchestra Fall Concert 8pm, Cove Fine Arts Center, Eastern Nazarene College, 23 Elm Avenue, Quincy, MA. Conducted by Jon Ceander Mitchell. Guest artists from our applied music faculty include mezzo-soprano Suzanne Ehly, pianist Timothy McFarland, and trombonist Seth Hamlin. Works include Gounod’s “Symphony No. 1 in D,” Gounod’s “Morceau Symphonique,” Mozart’s “Chio mi scordi dite?,” Beethoven’s “Romance cantabile,” Thomas’ “Raymond Overture,” and Chadwick’s ‘Andantino.” For more information, call Manuela Landry at 617-287-5640.
Saturday, November 22
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Basketball vs. Mount Ida College 1-3pm, 2003-04 home opener for UMass Boston Women’s Basketball
Monday, November 24
Become a GCOE Math Tutor Wheatley Hall, 1st Floor, Room 77. $10 per hour – Earn while you learn-and have an impact on young people in Boston, too. Tutors in mathematics are needed for students at TechBoston Academy, located at the former Dorchester High School. Training and support are provided for tutors to help them produce success in this afterschool program for 30 motivated high school students. If you are interested in tutoring as few as two or as many as 20 hours a week, pick up and complete an application in the Graduate College of Education reception area. For more information, email [email protected].
Get your Discounted semester-long T Pass Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Life. Discounted semester T passes are available now through January 7, 2004. Forms are available in the Office of Student Life. For more information, call 617-287-7950.
Writing Proficiency Requirement Signup and Materials available 9am-5pm, Wheatley Hall, 6th Floor, Room 64. Sign up and materials information for the January 2004 Writing Proficiency Requirement exam and portfolio are available November 24 – January 2, until 5pm. For more information, call Aimee D’Avignon at 617-287-6330.
Interfaith Bible Study and Fellowship 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Join with Rev. Adrienne to study the Word of God. For more information, call Rev. Adrienne Berry Burton at 617-287-5838 or email [email protected].
Muscle Conditioning Class 11:30am-12:30pm. Group exercise class focusing on muscle conditioning for the upper body. Any Beacon Fitness member may attend. For more information, call Chris Fitzgerald at 617-287-6788.
Cardio Kickboxing Fitness Class 12:30-1:30pm, Beacon Fitness Center. Aerobics class with a kickboxing format. Any Beacon Fitness member may attend this class. For more information, call Chris Fitzgerald at 617-287-6788.
Give Gratitude and Grace 2:30-4pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Lounge. Join Interfaith Campus Ministry as we create this opportunity to reflect, celebrate and share on our Thanksgivings. For more information, call Maggie Cahill at 617-287-5838.
Tuesday, November 25
Observation of Ramadan McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Join Interfaith Campus Ministry as we observe the Holy time of Ramadan through prayer, education and the sharing of a meal! Time TBD. For more information, call Maggie Cahill at 617-287-5839.
Expert Panel on Global Warming 2:30-3:30pm, Healey Library, 8th Floor, Provost’s Conference Room. Join us for a panel discussion on the topic of global warming: the atmospheric context, policy options, and the role universities can play with Professors Curtis Olsen, David Levy, Aditi Pain of UMBe Green (invited) and Frank Gorke, MassPIRG Energy Advocate. All faculty, staff and students welcome. For more information, call Jon Braman at 617-287-3866 or email [email protected].
UMass Fair Trade Coffee Initiative 2:30-4pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Lounge. Everyone is invited to attend a documentary film about politics and poverty in Jamaica.
Movie Matinee: “Washington Heights” 4-6pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, student lounge. Casa Latina presents movie matinee, free popcorn and discussion. For more information, call Casa Latina at 617-287-7945.
CPCS Faculty out in the world: Tuesday evening brown bag supper session 5-6:30pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, CPCS Plaza. Professor Anna Madison will speak about an empowerment approach to HIV prevention in the Greater Boston Haitian immigrant community: Mobilizing a community paralyzed by fear, denial, and distrust to collective action. Light refreshments provided. For more information, call Marie Kennedy at 617-287-7262.
Interfaith Scripture Study and Reflection 5:15-6:30pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Interfaith Chapel. Join with your Interfaith Catholic Chaplain, Maggie Cahill to explore inspired writings. Works to be explored will include the Word of the Old and New Testament. Special requests are welcome. For more information, call Maggie Cahill at 617-287-5839 or email [email protected].
Beacons Athletics: Women’s Basketball vs. Fitchburg State College, 5:30-7:30pm.
Tenants Rights Legal Clinic 6-7pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Lounge. State and local laws designed to protect tenants are often ignored or deliberately violated by landlords. Tenants frequently do not know how to assert their legal rights. Participants in this workshop learn what their rights are with respect to such issues as: evictions, rent increases, health code violations, lead paint, discrimination. For more information, email to Tony at [email protected].
Wednesday, November 26
Beacon Fitness Center Reduced Hours The Beacon Fitness Center will be open from 6am-5:30pm. today, in honor of the Thanksgiving Holiday. For more information, email [email protected].
Drop-In Writing Workshops 12:30-1:30pm, McCormack Hall, 3rd Floor, Room 421. The Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Center Academic Support Programs is offering drop-in writing workshops. This is a free workshop open to any UMass Boston student. Please bring: paper assignments/instructions, draft papers and/or outlines, lists, notes, etc., syllabi and other material that you feel might be useful. For more information, call 617-287-6550.
ARMS Center Thanksgiving Drive 3-5pm, Wheatley Hall, 4th Floor, Student Lounge. To ensure a great Thanksgiving, the ARMS Center will be providing free turkeys or $10 gift certificates to low-income students who are currently on any government assistance such as AFDTC, SSI, Food Stamps, or MassHealth. Proof of government assistance will be required. For more information, call ARMS Center at 617-287-7169 or email [email protected].
Thursday, November 27
Thanksgiving Day. No classes. Offices closed.
Friday, November 28
Beacon Fitness Center Reducted Hours The Beacon Fitness Center will be open from 6am-5:30pm. today, in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday. For more information, email [email protected].
Beacons Athletics: 19th Annual Men’s Basketball Harbor Invitational Tournament, 5:30-9:30pm.
Saturday, November 29
Beacons Athletics: 19th Annual Men’s Basketball Harbor Invitational Tournament, 1-3pm.
Beacons Athletics: Men’s Ice Hockey at P.A.L. Tournament – Manchester, NH
Sunday, November 30
Beacons Athletics: Men’s Ice Hockey at P.A.L. Tournament – Manchester, NH
WUMB 91.9 FM Commonwealth Journal 7pm. Interviews with scholars, writers, and public officials examining current issues of interest to the people of Massachusetts. Visit For more information, call 617-287-6900.